The car ride to the hotel

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                   Harry's P.O.V.
"Come on harry come with me you deserve better and not some dirty cowgirl from ohio". Taylor said and before I had time to protest I was in the car heading back to the hotel with taylor I looked out the rearview mirror and saw bella waveing I feel horrible for doing what I just did I but business is business I guess and taylor is right I do deserve better then a cowgirl from ohio.

                     Bella's P.O.V.
I saw harry pull out with taylor and I felt part of my heart break part of me still loves him I really don't know why he doesn't seen to care about me "Beeellllaaa" I heard and I whipped around and saw him "Auussstttiiinn" he was my best friend during high school he moved to maine but is back for some reason. "Austin what are you doing here" "I moved up here to stay it was to cold in maine" "oh my goodness" "So where's ricky" my smile fell I almost forgot about that "Austin he died this morning" "WHAT" "yeah but hey get elsa and I'll get lucky let's go on a trail ride like we did in the old times". In high school he was a nerd/cowboy  just like me but now he good hot and I mean really hot I think I'm kinda digging it. "Ready" "yep ready as I'll ever be" "alright let's go" and we where off into the woods like we did back in high school.
"Ha ha ha very funny Austin" "race yea to the pound ready go!" Austin wait up I wasn't ready" I new this was going to be are last trail ride together for a long time so we are going to make it as long as we can "I win" "no far I wasn't ready" I said with a laugh and punched him in the arm lightly he's the only thing good that came out of high school and now he's moving to maine I'm so mad and sad but that's what he had to do."Race you back to the barn ready go". I said and without waring I started to the barn "Hey no far" I heard he yell with a laugh. Once we got back he said goodbye for now and then he was off my life wasn't and never will be the same.
              **flashback ends**
"Hey bella who was that guy that was with you earlier I saw he made you cry I was about ready to punch him" "His name's harry you don't need to worry about him I don't think he will be back for a long time" "oh good want to go to dinner to catch up" "sure" "great" Austin was always my best friend during the good and bad day's I'm really glad he came back I'm so happy.

                     Austin's P.O.V.
I was so happy we where going out for dinner tonight to catch up I wasn't going to tell her about me medical conditions that I only have a few more weeks or less to live I wanted to see bella for last time happy before I tell her. "Ready to go Austin" "yep let's go" I looked at her even though she wasn't wearing anything special she still looked beautiful in it."Alright where we going" "Out back steak house" "oh my fav" she said I pulled into the driveway  of the restaurant we went in and sat down at our table and I saw a familiar face.

                      Bella's P.O.V.
Everything was going perfect until I saw harry and taylor but I didn't let it bother me. We ordered and stared to talk but I can't get harry and taylor out of the counter of my eye I really didn't feel like seeing him after this after noon and I couldn't take it anymore "Hey Austin I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back ok" "ok hurry back" "Yep" I walked swiftly to the bathroom before I opened the door I felt some one grab my arm I turned around and saw harry.  This Isn't going to end well.

**Hey y'all hoped you enjoyed the chapter what do you think is going to happen in the next chapter tell me in the comments below see y'all in the next chapter :)**


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