The Concert gose wrong

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Bill's P.O.V.
I was very surprised when bella came up to me and told me that she was invited to Justin bebier's concert today was the concert and he came to the stable while me bella and harry where there harry look at Justin with a nasty glare but I ignored it bella was in ricky's stable with Margaret Justin came up to me and asked me where bella was I told him the first stable on the right harry looks so disgusted by Justin I have no clue why I just ignored it.

Bella's P.O.V.
"Yeah Margaret I think we should only put horse shoes on the back hooves" I told her then I saw Justin I went up to him and shaked his hand and said "Hi I'm bella nice to meet you" "Hi I'm Justin nice to meet you too who is this big ball if sunshine over here" "Oh that's ricky" I lead him into the stable I glanced over to harry and boy did he look pissest off I turned to Justin and we stared to talk about the concert later tonight.

Harry's P.O.V.
I saw bella and Justin talking that little bitch I bet you right now he is thinking up ways to get MY GIRL in bed uhh I'm just going to ignore him at the concert but if he feels up my girl all hell will break loose.

Justin's P.O.V.
"Yeah so after sorry I'm going to join you on a horse for the rest of the concert" I told her she was so cute after the concert I'm going to get him into bed whether harry likes it or not "ok am I going to ride to the concert with you or are we going to meet back stage" she asked "You can ride with me if you want" "Ok yeah I think it would be easier if I went with you harry will be ok with it" yes score I'm getting lucky tonight.

Bella's P.O.V.
"Harry justin is going to pick me up for the concert just so it's easier he just glared at me ding dong the door bell went off "That's Justin bye harry" again with the death stare I open the door and Justin was there "hey bella" and he hugged me I wasn't expecting that because you know he is a little bit of a jerk. "Yep I'm ready to go bill and Margaret are already there" we where stuck in traffic then he started talking to me but in a flirty way. " So you look sexy to night". I was very uncomfortable at that point good thing we are pulling up the arena harry was there I was very surprised but I went on with the concert anyway after the concert I went back stage with Justin big mistake he was getting really close and started to rub my shoulders and worked his way down to my waist some how I was enjoying it.

Harry's P.O.V.
I walked back stage to get some water and I Justin rubbing bella's waist and moving his hands down rapidly and into her shirt "oh hell no" I ran over to them and pulled bella away from him and started to yell at him " Who the hell do you think you are rubbing up and down my girl" I am so mad right now

Bella's P.O.V.
"Who the hell do you think you are rubbing up and down my girl" I heard him harry yell at Justin "Woo styles she is not your girl she and besides can't you take a joke you british pussy" that was deep harry looks like he was going to blow a gadget he did he punched Justin in the face it turned into a fist fight I tried to pull them away but I wasn't strong enough.

Harry's P.O.V.
That was the last straw I punched Justin and the it started a fist fight bella tries to pull us apart but I was determined to beat the shit out of him then Justin punched bella in the face I saw her fall to the floor I stopped the fight Justin ran away I wasn't done with him I cased after him and pined him up to the wall and told him "You ever hurt her again I swear it end horribly for you I let him go and ran to bella thank god she was ok I would have never forgiven myself she had ice on her head I asked if she was ok her aunts bill and Margaret where there her aunt gave me a nasty look she told me she was fine and she just wanted to get back to the house bill and Margaret took ricky back to the stable while me and bella went home I helped her get changed we sat on her bed and she asked me something very strange "Harry do you mind sleeping with me tonight if you are ok with it" I didn't know what to say but I said yes it's the least I could do for her I mean she got punched in the face she feel asleep on my chest and for some reason I felt different when I was with her I really like her it's like I almost loved her I feel asleep with her but I heard my phone ring it was probably just louis so I left it alone and went back to sleep.

**what did y'all think of this chapter I know crazy fist fight right but who called harry was it management or louis you can find out in the next chapter.**

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