No one saw this coming

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                       Bella's  P.O.V.
"Harry where are we going" I asked impatiently "You'll see" I was so out of this day but I went along with it when I felt the car stop I heard the waves crashing against the sand and I knew exactly where I was at "the Beach" I yelled I was so happy other than the barn this was my favorite place on earth the beach we got out of the car I  immediately took off my blind fold and I ran to the ocean harry was running to "wow thank you so much harry" I said and we started walking down the surf I was so happy we where here for hours the sun started to set and I though this was the best day ever "Ok bella one more place" he said I wondered here we where going of course he blind folded me and then I didn't even ask where we where going because I knew what I was going to get so I sat there quietly wondering where we where going. It felt like forever but we  got there he lead me out of the car and into the door then he took my blind fold off and he said "do you remember this" I gasped with happy tears I knew exactly here we where at "This is where we had our first dance and kiss" I said happily then the song head over boots by jhon parbi came on and I wanted to cry "May I have this dance country style with you bella" "of course" we danced for a while then he said "You know this is the same spot I fell in love with you so I would like to ask you something" my heart dropped he got on one knee and said "bella I loved you ever since we meet and would you make me the happiest man in the world and Marry me" "I started to cry and said "Yes yes of course harry I love you" we kissed and he lifted me off the ground with joy "Harry I have to tell you something" I said kind of scared "Yeah sure what's up" "
.." I started to stutter I was scared to tell him but I had to I mean it is his baby after all "What's going on bella tell me" "well I'm...I'm...Pregnant with you son or daughter" I said his face turned red and he got teary eyed "What that's amazing bella when did you find out" "last week" "oh my goodness I'm so happy right now" he said that went way smoother than I though "Now we need to get home so conner can go home and I can get back to my horses" I said happily he laughed and we got on a flyt back to ohio but the sacredness doesn't end there because I have to tell my family that I'm engaged this was going to be so hard to do with out crying.

**Hey y'all what do you think of this chapter harry and bella are engaged and bella is Pregnant what about the wedding? Find out in the next chapter**

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