5 years later

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                       Harry's P.O.V.
"Good night Pittsburgh" I said as I walked off stage taylor was waiting for us to come back stage then paul walk in and said "alright boys we are going to ohio next" my smile fell to "harry what's wrong" louis asked "Bella" I was so nervous I haven't talked to her in five years but I am going to her farm is my first priority and nothing is getting in the way of that.
                      Bella's P.O.V.
"No no you have to have the wrong horse" "No bella I'm afraid ricky is on his last legs he has at least 2 more days to live I'm so sorry bella" the vet said "No Bill Margaret" they where both crying to I was in shocked and sad at the same time I for the first time in 5 years I was scared.

                      Harry's P.O.V.
"Attention passengers we are now landing in ohio thank you" I am so nervous to see bella again what is she going to think of me first thing in the tomorrow  morning I am going to her barn. "Harry come on slow pock" louis said and I was on my way to my hotel.

                      Bella's P.O.V.
"You know bella that composition is still going on so lucky is all trained for you when you are ready" bill said "ok bill but until ricky passes this is where you will find me" "ok" I walked into the stall and just loved on him while I was crying "Hey buddy I'm going to miss you but soon you will be in a better place night" I cried myself to sleep waiting for morning just to see if  ricky was  still alive.
                          Harry's P.O.V.
"I'll be back guys I have something I need to do" the guys where alright with it then I lift the hotel for the barn so I called her to see if she will answer "Hello" bella it's harry" "Harry this is really not a good time for you to call" I could hear the anger in her voice this was not going to be hard.

                      Bella's P.O.V.
"Harry this is really not a good time for you to call" I was so mad why did he didn't call me for five years so why is he calling me now out of no where especially when ricky is about to die I left bill and Margaret with ricky and when out side to talk "Bella look I know I am a terrible person but I just want to say sorry" I turned around and saw him standing there "look harry what you said at that interview five years ago those words hurt me and another thing why are you here I thought you cared about me until you meet taylor and now you can care less about me" I was so mad right now then I saw bill and Margaret running to me and then noded my anger turned into sadness I ran into the barn and right to rickys stall then riped open the stall and I saw him on the ground not breathing "oh my god no why" I started crying really hard and ned down to him and said "I told you better place I love you so much and no matter what happens" I went to his ear and said "no matter what happens I will always and forever remember you" then I whispered "I love you so so much I will miss you". This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

                      Harry's P.O.V.
I saw bill and Margaret nod there heads then bella ran off crying "What's going on is she ok" "Well harry if you where hear for her you would know why she is upset and crying instead of going with taylor and treating bella like dirt you would know why" Margaret said she was really mad "look Margret I'm sorry but let me talk to her" "Sorry Isn't going to cut it bub "Margaret calm down and let harry talk to her" "fine"
I went to the stall she was in and I saw her crying really hard I went to hug her and I wanted to cry to but I blinked back the tears when she turned around bill and Margaret where standing there with a wheel barrel and put ricky in it and but him in the ground with a place saying "I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU" on the front I stood back while they covered him up and put flowers all around him and walked away they went back into the barn and sat down to calm themselves down then they started talking and laughing and then they got to me they all looked at me with a death stare I knew then I was in deep trouble.

**Hey y'all what do you think of this chapter I cried a lot writing this chapter but what do you think they are going to say to harry find out in the next chapter**

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