Talking about the show in Teaxs

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Bella's P.O.V.
Well after everyone settled down and no one was crying anymore we started talking about what we were going to do like a game plane so my aunts are planning and packing and helping me pack for the trip when my phone rang it was my bff jordan and she asked about my shows and I told her everything I knew about texas and how I was leaving in two week she was so happy for me and wished me luck I hung up the phone and my aunts where all packed a I was no where near done yeah it was only three days but I had to pack me and my horse ricky tor the trip but he can wait until I am done packing for myself for the rest of the day I talking with my aunts and laying in the sun it was the most relaxing and stressful days of my life.

**the day of the trip**

Bella's P.O.V.

OMG OMG OMG today is the day we are leaving for Texas I am so stressed out it is not even funny so before we go to the air port I stop a the cemetery to see my mom I go to her head stone and I said "Hey mom'm going to Texas for to qualify for the world championship reiner competition in L.A. so wish me luck oh I am where the neckless you got me when I was 16 love you bye. We drive to the airport and everyone was there to see me get on the plane we say are goodbyes and we board the plane it was a 3 hour flyet from ohio to Texas so I slept through it I sat next to my aunt which was asleep to so I decided fuck it I am sleeping.

Bill's P.O.V.
I looked over to see bella sleeping so I was going to sleep but Margaret taped me on the shoulder "Bill when are we going to tell bella about L.A." she asked I said "Margaret look if she qualifies for L.A. I will tell her ok" "ok Bill"

**after the flyt**

Bella's P.O.V.
We are where in Texas and tomorrow is the show I'm nervous and scared but I somehow get over it we are at the hotel after we dropped off ricky at the barn this is so unreal just 5 years ago I started riding and look where I am now I went to sleep because it was 11:30 pm and the show was at noon.

**the next day**

Bill's P.O.V.
"Ok bella are you ready to go" "yeah bill I am ready". I went to go and pick up ricky and I looked over to see bella crying her eyes out I went to go and talk to her and she said "Bill I am scared I don't want to let anyone down and I.....I...I." Bella" I cut her off because I know what she was going to say "Bella look no matter what happens you go out there and do the best you can and we will be proud of you no matter what" she calmed down after I said that and I got ricky and now we are off the the show

** cliff hanger hope you guys enjoy this chapter do you think she will qualify for L.A. or will she go home and try again next year let me know what you think**

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