Chapted 2

431 16 2

Mariah's POV

I sat in the corner waiting to hear Marie come back from where ever one of the boys took her. I looked up when I heard somebody clearing there throat.

"What do you need." I growled and the boy just smirked at me.

"Just came in to talk." he smirked and opened the door walking in as he sat next to me.

"I don't want to talk." I growled and turned my head away from him.

"Your sister was so much easier to talk to." he said and I whipped my head around to glare at him.

"You walked to her. What did you say? What did she say?" I asked and he chuckled.

"So now you want to talk." he said and I glared at him.

"Yes, I actually want to talk to you. Be happy." I growled and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Aren't you so polite." he smirked.

"I'm not afraid to punch you in the throat. Or anywhere else." I growled and his eyes grew angry.

"And I'm not afraid to kill you. I have your sister in the room next to you and I can get your little brother and other sister with a snap of my fingers. I would be terrified of me. I can do anything I want to you." he growled and I swallowed slowly.

"You would never touch Max or Mack." I said slowly.

"Watch me." he growled and his lips were extremely close to my ear. "I do what I want, honey."

"Leave them out of this." I begged and he smirked into my ear.

"Seems like you are begging me." he said.

"I am." I said and he chuckled.

"Now I know your weakness." he said and stood up walking towards the door. He turned around when he reached the door and smirked down at me. "Just wait until the other two get here." he said and then locked the door leaving me to cry in the corner.

I hate it here. It's all because of my parents too. 

I continued to cry and I thought about Marie. I wonder if she ever stopped puking. I stood up and walked over to the door. I pushed gently against the door and saw that it was actually never closed. I smiled and opened the door closing it behind me. I heard the sound of somebody puking and I ran silently down the hall following the sound. I looked into a bathroom and saw Marie over the toilet puking.

"Aw, Marie." I said gently and she looked up at me. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying as she stared at me.

"Mariah." she said happily as I sat next to her. I rubbed her back causing more puke to come up out of her.

"It's gonna stop soon, I know it." I said gently as I got behind Marie so she could sit on my lap.

"It hasn't stopped yet though." she said and tears ran down her face.

"It's going to though." I promised and Marie looked up at me.

"When we go home can we get some Play Dough?" she asked and I sighed.

"Marie, that's really expensive." I told her.

"Why don't you love me!" she said and started crying.

"Marie, I do love you. We just can't afford it." I said and held Marie.

"We can never afford anything! Everybody has parents that love them and I have you!" Marie yelled at me.

"I try, Marie! Would you rather have food or toys?!?! I can't afford to give you and Max toys and food and clothes and then make sure that Mack isn't doing drugs or anything to get her in trouble. Then I have to go to school too! So, Marie, don't complain about what you don't have." I growled at Marie and she glared at me.

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