Chapter 18

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Mack's POV

"Mackenzie, wake up for school. It's your first day back and you don't want to be late." I blinked my eyes open as I stared up at Connor.

"Ugh, fine." I groaned as i rolled out of the bed.

I literally rolled and fell on the floor.

"Oh, Mack." Connor laughed as he left me to get dressed and ready for school. I put on my new pair of jeans as well as a new crew neck that said love really big across the front. I brushed my hair letting the waves be natural for my first day back.

"Ready." I moaned walked down the steps seeing everybody else eating.

"Don't you want something to eat?" Connor asked me and I shook my head.

"No thank you, I'm not hungry." I said slipping my black pea coat on over my crew neck.

"Oh, okay." Connor said and Max and Marie finished their breakfast running over to me as I help Marie grab her new jacket.

"Can I drive to school?" Mariah asked Connor and he nodded tossing her a set of keys with the car keys and house keys.

"In the garage I have another car, you can take that one." Connor said and my eyes widened as I ran out of the house with my bag as Mariah and Marie followed me as we all stared at the car. It was a sleek silver car that looked expensive. I saw the Hyundai symbol on the front and Sonata was on the back telling what car it was. 

"Wow." Mariah said as she opened the driver's door sliding into the leather seats. I smiled getting into the passenger seat as Marie got into the back. 

"This is the best." I told Mariah who nodded buckling her seat belt as I did the same. She backed out of the garage and then out of the driveway. 

"Pulling in in style." I smirked at Mariah as she pulled into the school biting her lip as she nervously parked the expensive, new car.

"Have a good day, Marie." Mariah said happily as Marie ran to the elementary school.

"Bye, Mariah, see you later." I said smiling as I walked over to my group of friends who were all standing by the door. 

"MACK!!" I stared at my best friend, Clara, running towards me. Her bright green eyes were wide with shock as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"Hi, Clara." I laughed and hugged her back tightly never wanting to let go.

"You look amazing!" I turned my head to the left to see my other friend, Alicia, staring at me happily.

"Alicia!" I smiled pulling away from Clara hugging Alicia.

"I missed you." she whispered into my hair and I nodded hugging her tightly.

"I missed you all so much." I said pulling away as my other friends stared at me happily.

"MACK!" I turned around as I was taken aback by the force of the person hugging me.

"MIA!!" I yelled hugging my crazy friend back. Her light brown hair was all over the both of us as we hugged.

"I missed you so so much!" Mia exclaimed pulling away as her dark blue eyes looked into my green eyes.

"I missed all of you." I said again as I searched the mass of my friends for one person in particular.

"Searching for me?" I turned around at his voice.

"Yes, I was." I said smiling widely as he wrapped me up in his arms hugging me tightly.

"Oh, Mack, I was so worried for you." he said and I buried my head in his chest as he kissed my head.

"I missed you, Bradley." I said and he lifted my head up gently.

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