Chapter 21

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"I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!" Marie cheered running over to Jai and hugging him tightly.

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Connor roared as he stood up angry.

"Oh shit, Mariah." Brad said and he turned to me my eyes wide.

"Uh, Mack." Luke said and he poked my arm.

"YOU BETTER RUN JAI BROOKS! YOU BETTER RUN!" I growled and I jumped across the table onto Jai as I tried to hit him. He fought me off but that didn't stop me from throwing a punch at his cheek.

"Mack! Stop it!" Mariah begged but she knew better than to get me off of Jai.

"Is somebody going to stop her?" Brad asked and I heard Connor laugh.

"He deserves every punch." Connor said and I threw another punch to Jai's jaw as he tried to hold me off.

"I TOLD YOU TO RUN!!" I screamed and Jai growled at me flipping me over so he was pinning me down. We were both panting as he glared down at me. I brought my knee up making contact with his stomach as he grunted and I regained my position on top of Jai punching his chest and face.

"GET HER OFF OF ME!" Jai growled and I felt strong arms wrap around my waist as they tried to pull me off of Jai. I grabbed Jai's shirt trying to pull myself back over to him.

"LET ME GO!!" I screamed and whoever was holding me was trying very hard to pull me back.

"MACK!" Luke screamed making me stop screaming and pulling as Luke dragged me back over to my chair to sit down.

"Do it again! Do it again!" Max cheered and Jai glared at him.

"Does this mean that Jai is my brother?" Marie asked and I noticed she was back in her chair.

"No." Connor growled at the same time I did.

"Can I finish?" Mariah asked and I glared at her.

"No, you have done enough." I growled and she chuckled.

"LET HER FINISH!" Jai screamed making everybody shut-up.

"As I was going to say, I am having Jai's baby in health class. We got partnered up and we get one of those electronic baby dolls or whatever, okay. And Jai either has to stay here or I have to stay over at his house. We thought it would be better for him to stay here." Mariah said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Sor-Actually, I'm not sorry for punching you in the face, Jai." I said glaring at him as he glared back at me.

"I wish I could punch him in the face." Connor muttered and I smirked at him.

"Nobody is stopping you." I smiled and he chuckled as Brad laughed.

"I think I get it now." Brad said and we all looked at him.

"Get what?" I asked my eyes wide.

"These are some of the assholes that kidnapped you." Brad said pointing at Jai and Luke.

"Nah, Luke is pretty cool." I said and Luke smiled at me. "Jai is a terrible person."

"Hah, he looks like one." Brad said and I laughed as Jai glared at me.

"Beau was sort of nice too. I never really talked to Daniel or James though." I said and Brad chuckled standing up.

"I think I should call me mom to come pick me up. It's getting late." Brad said and I nodded standing up as well as everybody else seemed to talk and ignore us.

"I love you." I said smiling as he smiled at me.

"I love you too." he said and kissed my nose gently seeing as Jai had tried to shove me off of him by pushing my face many times.

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