Chapter 11

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Mariah's POV

"What? Y-You cheated on me? W-With my brother?" Luke asked hurt evident in his eyes as he stared at my face to see if I was lying.

"No, Luke-" I started as my heart broke into millions of pieces.

"NO!" Luke screamed at me as his face changed from hurt to anger. "You are a slut! That's all you are!"

"No, Luke, please." I begged as i grabbed Luke's arm begging him to stay.

"Don't touch me. Get back in your cell before I kill you." Luke growled as he turned his back to me walking away.

"Luke! No! It meant nothing! Luke!" I yelled as tears flowed down my cheeks. I looked behind me to see Beau glaring at me.

"Get back in your cell." Beau growled at me and walked past me to the cell where Marie and Max were.

"Beau, where are we going?" Max asked and Beau hushed him as he carried my only two reasons to live away from me.

James shoved me into my cell and I fell to the ground where he stared at me in disgust.

"Slut." he growled and closed the door being sure to lock it and leave me alone to sit on the cold floor of the cell.

I went into the corner and cried into my hands just hoping that Mack wasn't dead and Marie and Max would be okay.

Because I'm not okay.


Mack's POV

I sat on Jai's bed my wrists were all bandaged up along with my head as I stared at the open window which was letting cold air come in. Jai had strictly told me not to escape the window making me want to leave even more. I knew that he would be in the shower for a while, so why not try to escape?

Because if they catch you, you are so dead.

Oh yeah, that's the reason.

Hey, YOLO!

What have I got to lose?

I tiptoed over to the window opening it fully so I could slip my body out of it. I put one leg out and I felt the cold snow under my foot. I brought my other leg over as I slipped out into the frigid air. I looked at the window and just turned around as I ran towards the road. I hugged myself tightly as I walked down the road shivering.

Find a business and call the police from there. It's that easy.

Okay, I can do this.

I continued to walk as my hair whipped around me in the wind. I heard a car coming and I turned around to see a black van. I gasped and quickly started to run as the car blocked my way and the door opened as I was slowly backing up. An unknown boy stepped out and smiled out me.

"Uh, free wifi! Oh and, uh, Starbucks!" he said and I stopped backing away as I stared at him.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?" I asked and the boy nodded.

"Yes, now hurry because your friends are getting angry." the boy said pointing towards the house where I had just came from to see the boys looking around and getting into cars.

"Come on! Starbucks and wifi!" I stared at another boy as he opened the back door motioning for me to come with him.

"Ugh, fine." I groaned and I got into the back of the van as I counted the boys.


The car started to drive away quickly and I watched as the boys stared at me.

"My name's Alfie." the one that had first gotten out of the car said and I waved at him.

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