Chapter 7

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Marie's POV

I trudged through the snow getting out of Mariah's sight as I ran into the front yard diving into the snow.

"Snow!" I squealed happily as I started to make a snow angel happily as the snow fell onto my face and body. I listened as tires pulled into the house but I just continued to make my snow angel.

"Oh. My. God." I heard Jai's voice and panic started to set in as I heard his door slam close.

"Is she okay?" I heard somebody who was walking by ask.

"Nope." Jai groaned and I lifted my head up slightly to see him banging his head against the window of his car. I watched as the person walked away a dog in their arms.

"Jai, come play with me!" I squealed happily.

"Get inside before I kill you." Jai growled darkly coldly turning his eyes onto me. My eyes widened and jai dove for me falling into the snow as I stood up running out of the yard and down the street. I heard Jai's footsteps as he ran after me. I ran as fast as I could through the snow and the wind whipped my hair around.

That's when reality kicked in.

None of them liked me. They were all acting. I was kidnapped and I was stupid enough to think that they were my friends.

"MARIE!" Jai growled as he got closer to me. I shrieked and ran faster the cold seeping into my thin jacket. I tried to run faster but Jai dove at me and brought me to the ground. He laid on top of me as I squirmed under him but Jai held me firmly as he panted.

"Let go of me!" I yelled and Jai stood up grabbing me by the wrists as he pulled me behind him.

"You better shut-up before you make it worse." Jai growled pulling me back to the house where there was another car in the driveway. I swallowed nervously as Jai opened the door to the house and shoved me in and I looked up meeting Beau, Luke, and James who were waiting angrily by the door.

"Marie, did you escape." Beau growled at me his voice honestly scared me.

"No! I just want to play in the snow." I said my voice sounding tiny compared to Beau's.

"I don't believe you." Beau growled advancing on me. I backed up pressing against Jai which didn't help me.

"Beau, maybe she's telling the truth. There are snow angels in the front and the door to is broken." Luke said and Beau turned his gaze onto Luke who didn't seem the slight bit fased.

"Is that true, Jai?" Beau asked tuning his gaze back to Jai and me.

"I guess. She was outside playing in the snow and then she ran when I.....threatened her." Jai said and Beau's face went back to the kind one that he normally wore.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Marie. Do you forgive me?" Beau said sweetly and I shook my head.

"I don't forgive you." I said and Beau glared at me.

"Fine." he growled storming away with James and Jai following him.

"Come on, Marie, I'll carry you to your room." Luke said and he lifted me up as I held onto Luke. I cried onto his shoulder as Luke just stood in place rubbing my back gently as I cried onto his shoulder.

"Please don't leave me." I sobbed as Luke held me in place.

"Shh, it's okay, I won't leave you alone. Let's go sit in my room." Luke said gently as he carried me down the hall to his room. He sat me down on his bed which was covered in a soft comfertor.

"I like your colors. Did you know that these colors blend on the color wheel?" I said amazed as I stared at the red, yellow, and orange mix of walls.

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