Chapter 9

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Mariah's POV

I walked out of Luke's room looking around for Max and Marie. Luke walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist making me smile.

"Morning, babe." he said into my ear and I pressed my back against his chest.

"Morning." I smiled and Luke spun me around as he pressed his lips against mine quickly. I kissed Luke back and he held me against him tightly.

"I hope you slept well." Luke said against my lips making me smile.

"It was even better because you were next to me." I said and Luke chuckled kissing my lips once more before he pulled away.

"Hey, me and the boys have to leave and go Jai is staying but you can do whatever you like, except escaping. You know what, screw it, let everybody out and have a frickin party if you want. You can cook and play mommy or whatever." Luke said and I smiled happily.

"Aw, really? Thanks." I said and he kissed my nose walking away from me.

"I love you, Mariah." Luke said and I smiled.

"I love you too, Luke." I said and he walked away as the other boys joined him as they left. Jai walked into the kitchen from the living room and he took his shirt off as he walked. I followed him staying hidden as I watched him grab eggs from the fridge. He easily started to cook the eggs on the stove. I stared at the tattoos on his arm and on his back.

"Mariah, stop looking at me." Jai growled irritated as he never even turned to look at me.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked and Jai just shrugged.

"Mack wouldn't stare at me." Jai said and he turned around to look at me. "Why are you even out?" Jai asked and I blushed slightly.

"Luke and me slept together last night." I blushed and Jai stared at me disgusted.

"You freakin s-" he started but I cut him off.

"Just slept, nothing more." I said and Jai still glared at me.

"Whatever." he growled and turned around staring at his egg.

"Luke said that we could all come out and talk or have a party. He said he doesn't care." I said.

"I don't want to talk to any of you. Don't bother me and I'll be fine." Jai growled.

"Whatever." I said and walked away to the back house where the cells where. I unlocked each door and the girls all slowly came out. I watched as Mack ran to me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Oh, Mariah, when the police came I was so scared. I was with Jai and it was so scary." Mack said and I hugged her.

"But it's okay." I soothed her and she nodded as Marie and Max ran over to me holding onto my legs as the hugged me.

"So we are aloud to go out?" Brittany asked and I nodded.

"Wow." Rose said surprised.

"Let's go while we can!" Becky said and we all giggled except for Ryan who walked away to go back to her room.

"You can all get in trouble while I stay safe in my cell." she hissed and I shrugged leading the girls out.

"Wow, this is actually pretty nice." Sky said as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"What did you think we lived in a house with everything broken and peeling and strip poles on the wall with smoke clouding the house? Is that what you thought?" Jai growled as he sat on the couch.

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