Chapter 4

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Mariah's POV

I blinked my eyes opened and was confused with my surroundings. My neck hurt and I saw I was on a couch. I looked up and saw the other twin standing smiling down at me.

"Hi." he said and he honestly was adorable.

"Hey." I said as I pulled my knees up to my chest. My pants were starting to become dirty and I just felt dirty.

"Do you need some clothes?" he asked and sat down by my feet.

"No, I won't fit into any of yours." I said and I thought it was really adorable how he was acting.

"We would give you girl clothes." He smirked and I stared at him confused.

"You have girl clothes?" I asked.

"From past girls." He said and he sounded ashamed.

"Oh, so dead people clothes." I said and turned my head away from him.

"I washed them for you. The boys told me not to but I did." he said as if he was some rebel.

"Oh, wow. You are such a rebel." I mocked him.

"Hey," he smirked at me and he was just so adorable that I couldn't help but not look at him, "I am trying to help you here. A shower and clothes. The other boys would never do this." 

I guess he did have a point...

"Fine, I'll take the clothes and the shower." I said and he smirked.

"Great, follow me." he said and I stood up as he grabbed my hand and led me down a hallway. He opened a door and I assumed it was his room. Seeing as there was a bed.

"What's your name?" I asked wondering.

"I'm Luke." he said and walked over to his closet. "You can go and take a shower in my bathroom." he said and pointed to a door. 

I walked over to the door opened it. I looked inside and stared at the large shower. Next to the shower was a large white claw foot bathtub. There was a toilet and a sink as well.

No, really? There was a toilet? And a sink?

My mind just killed the moment. But there were two sinks and a large mirror over the sinks.

"Towels are in that closet." Luke said  from behind me and I nodded grabbing a towel as I set it on the floor next to the shower.

Luke closed the door behind him as he left. I turned the water on and let out a loud sigh. I slowly undressed myself ignoring my bad feeling. I walked into the shower and let the warm water calm me. I smiled slightly and softly sang to myself. I sang 'All Night' by Icona Pop as I used some of Luke's shampoo and conditioner. I continued to sing as I washed my hair and body with Luke's soap. I searched for one of his shavers and when I found it I sighed staring down at the razor blade in my hands. I shuddered and started to shave my legs as I switched to singing 'Alone Together' by Fall Out Boy. I finished shaving my legs and shaved my underarms quickly before turning the water off. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body as I started to dry off.

"I don't know where you're going but do you have room for one more troubled soul? I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm coming home and I said check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin, and we started at the end." I sang softly to myself as I stared at myself in the mirror. I tied the towel around my body tightly and I ran my hands through my soft hair.

"You are a great singer." I jumped spinning around to see Luke with Beau behind him.

"Thanks." I said quietly and Luke tossed me a pair of jeans and a Hollister sweatshirt with the tags on it

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