Chapter 12

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Marie's POV

"Get up." I blinked my eyes open to see Luke glaring down at me and Max. "Now." he growled and my eyes widened at his tone.

"Oh, okay." I said quickly standing up as I lifted Max up in my arms. Luke grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me into the living room where all of the boys sat and Mariah was sat tied to a chair with a rag over her mouth and she was trying to tell me something but it was muffled.

"Jai, now." Luke demanded and I watched as Jai grabbed Max and Luke held onto me.

"LET ME GO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs fighting against Luke. He wasn't expecting me to be this strong because I almost got out of his grip.

"Never knew you were a fighter." Luke growled into my ear and I glared at him as I kicked him hard. I grabbed his hand with my mouth digging my teeth into his hand as Luke let out a grunt dropping me. I ran past Beau and James to Mariah. 

I quickly started to untie Mariah as Luke wrapped his arms around my waist trying to pry me off of Mariah as I untied her.

"HEY! I'll kill the boy if either of you move." Jai growled and I looked over to see Max being held at gun point by Jai.

"Max." I gasped and Luke took this as advantage as he pulled me off of Mariah and held me tightly in his arms. 

"Marie! Marie what's happening?" Max asked confused as Jai pressed the gun harder into Max's side.

There was a knock at the door and Beau walked over to answer it.

"Brittany." he said surprised and she handed him an envelope.

"I get to choose who I want to take home." she demanded and Beau nodded as he opened the door allowing her to walk in. I stared at how well Brittany looked, like she had all of the money in the world.

"Choose who you want." Beau said and she looked around.

"Max." she said and Jai narrowed his eyes

"Jai, let go of Max." Beau ordered and Jai dropped Max. Max ran over to Mariah as he hugged her.

"Go with Brittany, okay?" Mariah said and Max nodded as he hugged me before running to Brittany who lifted him up as he stared at Mariah and me tears falling from his eyes.

"Bye bye, Mariah and Marie." Max said and Brittany carried him away as he cried.

"Oh my gosh." Mariah said as she looked up at Luke and the two looked at each other.

"I almost killed my girlfriend and her little sister." Luke said.

"Um, ex." Jai growled.

"I love you." Luke said as he smiled and Mariah smiled back at him.

"I love you too." she said and they started kissing as I stared at them disgusted.

"Ew." I said wrinkling my nose in disgust.

"Come with me." Jai ordered me and I quickly followed Jai as he led me to my room.

This can't be good.


Mack's POV

"I don't want to eat that, Marcus!" I shrieked as I ran around the house running from Marcus as he held a bowl of salad in his hands.

"BUT MACK!" he screamed and I laughed running down the steps pushing Jack out of the way as he fell on Marcus.

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