Chapter 19

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Mariah's POV

I walked out of the school looking at my phone for the time.


I hurried over to my car quickly getting into the driver's seat as I started the car. I quickly pulled out of the school and sped down the road.

"I am so late." I muttered and I quickly pulled into the driveway parking the car as I ran up to the front door unlocking it and walking in. I watched as Marie sat on the couch with Mack as the two watched TV.

"Look who finally decided to come home." Connor yelled from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes dropping my bag by the door and setting my jacket with the others.

"Hey, I'm sorry I was stuck working on a project." I said and Connor just nodded as he continued to wash the dishes.

"MARIAH!!" Max screamed as he ran down the steps and attached himself to my legs tightly.

"Hey, Max." I said smiling as I ruffled his hair as he laid his head on my stomach still hugging me tightly.

"Connor is making noodle soup." Max said happily grabbing my hand as he dragged me over to where Connor was now stirring a pot of what I assumed was noodle soup.

"CHICKEN noodle soup." Marie corrected as she ran into the kitchen getting on her tippy toes to stare into the pot.

"Be careful." Connor warned Marie.

"Please, I am the queen of being careful." Marie said rolling her eyes.

"Whatever you say...." Connor said warily as Marie watched him.

~5 Minutes Later~

"I didn't think it would be hot!!" Marie cried as Connor held her against the sink running her fingers under cold water.

"It's a stove!!!" Connor yelled making Marie flinch.

"I'm sorry." she whimpered and I sighed walking over to Marie and wiping the tears off of her face.

"It's okay, Marie. Don't ever do that again though. You really could have hurt yourself." I said gently and Marie nodded.

"Can I touch what Marie touched?" Max asked and I watched as he got onto his tippy toes looking at the stove.

"NO!" Connor and I screamed at the same time making Mack laugh at the table as she just scrolled through Instagram a smile on her face.

"Max, wanna go take a bath and then go to bed?" Mack asked and Max nodded dropping his spoon into the bowl of chicken noodle soup that he had quickly eaten and ran after Mack up the steps.

"I think she's all good." Connor sighed and I nodded as Marie sighed wiping away her tears.

"Are you okay?" I asked Marie and she nodded. Connor hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." Connor apologized and Marie hugged him back as I just smiled.

"Why don't you go take a shower in Connor's room and then get ready for bed?" I suggested and Marie nodded smiling.

"I'm not really hungry anymore." she smiled and I nodded with a smile as she ran up the steps to Connor's room.

"It's already getting late." Connor muttered and I nodded as we both sat down to eat our now cold soup.

"I think after this I'm just gonna go to bed." I said taking a bite of the delicious soup that Connor made.

"It isn't that late." Connor said with a smirk and I chuckled.

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