Chapter 22

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Mariah's POV

I walked out of the school holding the stupid baby in my arms. Of course I had gotten to school late with Jai and had to rush to health and get my baby dealing with it the whole day.

"What's her name?" Ashton asked me with a smirk as he walked next to me.

"Hmm, Mai. M-a-i. It's a mix of Mariah and Jai." I said with a smile at Ashton who chuckled and he held his own tiny baby in his arms.

"Her name is gonna be...." Ashton thought hard and then Melissa came up next to him.

"Her name is Christina." Melissa said and Ashton shrugged.

"Okay, I like that." Ashton said and it made me think if Chris ever escaped from the prison.

"Mariah! Can we see the baby?" I looked behind me to see Brad and Mack.

"Yeah, sure." I said happily giving the baby over. As if on cue, the baby started to cry loudly making Mack groan.

"We can handle this, hold on." Brad said as i smirked watching Mack gently rock Mai making her crying stop.

"Shh, it's okay." Mack cooed gently as Brad stroked the babbie's head. I watched in shock as Mack smiled up at Brad and he sent her a smile.

"Wow." Ashton said in shock as his own baby started crying and he was forced to try and silence the baby with Melissa's help.

"Here, take Mai back." Mack said and she handed me the tiny baby as I held her in my arms.

"Thanks." I smiled and I waited for Jai to come as Mack and Brad started to walk.

"We are gonna walk home!" Mack yelled and I nodded as the two slowly started to walk.

"I think that baby looks nice on you." I looked up to see Jai smirking at me.

"Yeah, whatever." I grumbled and he chuckled leading me to the car his hand pressed to the small of my back.

"I'll drive." he said and I knew better than to argue with Jai so I just nodded.

"So I decided we should name our baby, Mai." I said and Jai just nodded.

"Like the month May?" He asked and I shook my head.

"It will sound the same but be spelled M-a-i. For Mariah and Jai." I said and Jai nodded backing out of the school quickly.

"That sounds fine with me." He said and he turned down a road that was oh, so familiar.

"Uh, this isn't the road to get to my house." I said nerves slowly starting to set in.

"I know." Jai said and he quickly pulled into the driveway that I had sworn to Luke at.

"Why am I back here?" I asked panicking as Jai stepped out opening my door for me as well and grabbing my wrist tightly.

"Stop asking so many questions." Jai said rolling his eyes as I held the baby tightly watching the black van pull quickly into the driveway. Jai pulled me inside where James sat on the couch on his phone.

"Oh, hi." James said looking up and giving me a small smile. The baby in my arms started crying and I groaned quickly giving her attention.

"Why is there a baby crying?" I looked up watching as Beau walked into the living room as i girl shoved past him joining James on the couch.

"Because that baby is mine." Jai said protectively and it made me smile slightly at how protective he was over a fake doll.

"And mine." I said and Beau smiled slightly at me.

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