Chapter 20

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Mack's POV

I stood at my locker tired from just all the events happening in my life. This day has just made me want to go home and sleep forever.

Brad had to go home because he had a dentist appointment leaving me alone with Alicia, Clara, and Mia.

"Mack! Come on!" Mariah said and I turned to look at her my eyes widen and my breath catching in my throat as I saw who she was with.

I quickly grabbed my books and ran down the hall into the girls bathroom not even bothering to close my locker. I ran into a stall and closed the door sitting on the toilet, it was closed, as I tried to catch my breath.

"Mack, what was that for?!?!" I heard Mariah yell but I ignored her. "If you think that a sign that says girls is going to stop them, than you are wrong." 

"Leave me alone." I said as I held the tears back.

"No, Mack, come on." Mariah said sternly.

"How could you do that to me?" I asked as i let a few tears fall down my face.

"Mack, you'll understand eventually." Mariah said and I let out a shaky breath.

"You don't know what he did to me when I was with him." I said trying to push the memories out of my head as I cried.

"Why don't you tell me." Mariah said and I chuckled weakly.

"Why not just show you the scars?" I asked as I swallowed wiping my eyes.

"Mack, it will be okay." Mariah said and I just kept crying.

"But it won't be okay. I have those memories forever in my head. The only way to make it 'okay' would just be to kill myself." I said and I let the tears fall harder.

"Mack, don't talk like that." Mariah said and I just let out a cry.

"What's the point!" I sobbed. "It's not like Connor can just make everything better!"

"Mack, come out here so we can talk." Mariah said and I knew that she probably felt terrible about this. I opened the door and she stood there her books in her arms.

"Why?" I asked and she sighed.

"Mack, there are many reasons for you to live! You have Brad, Mia, Alicia, and Clara!" she said and I sighed hugging Mariah as she hugged me back.

"You're right." I sighed and she smiled chuckling.

"I always am." Mariah teased and I wiped my eyes as we walked out of the bathroom.

"There she is!" Mia exclaimed as she ran over to me giving me a hug. 

"We were worried!" Clara said as she joined the hug.

"We saw your stuff gone but your locker open and we got nervous!" Alicia said as she joined the hug and I smiled.

"I'm okay." I said and Mariah gave me a smile before she went back to join Luke and Jai who were talking to each other as Luke held a phone to his ear.

"We should get going before Connor gets all angry though." Mariah said and I nodded.

"I'll text you." I said to the girls and they all nodded.

"See ya tomorrow." Mia said and I smiled waving.

"Can Brad come over after his dentist appointment?" I asked Mariah as we neared the two boys.

"Sure, if it's okay with Connor." Mariah said and I smiled.

"Yay!" I cheered and quickly texted Brad who replied with a winky face and a thumbs up.

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