Chapter 6

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Beau's POV

I sat down as Marie sat on my lap. She had a paint brush in her hand that I found on my dresser. 

"Okay, I just applied the blush and then I have to do your eyes." Marie said and held her self up on my shoulders as she did her best to put 'makeup' on me.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Beau?" I turned my head slightly and saw James covering his mouth as he laughed into his hand.

"Sit down." Marie ordered James who raised his eyes at her.

"Um.." James stared and I glared at him to sit down.

"Good boy." Marie smiled causing me to chuckle. She continued to rub the brush on my cheeks and then she stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked and I looked into Marie's eyes.

"We are all out of eyeshadow!" she exclaimed and grunted as she ran to the corner. She ran back over to me pretending to hold a container. "I got some!" she smiled and jumped back into my lap happily as she rubbed the brush along my eyelids.

"You look beautiful." James said and Marie hushed him making me laugh again.

"Stay still, Beau!" Marie whined and she continued to run the brush over my eyelids.

"Is Beau getting his makeuo done?!?!?!?!" I heard Luke's voice as he walked into the room.

"SHUTUP!" Marie said in her cute little voice. "Geez, boys don't understand makeup." she huffed and I chuckled again.

"Can I-"

"No." Marie cut Luke off as she switched to my next eye.


"No." Marie cut him off again and I heard James laughing next to me.


"I said no." Marie said and she reminded me of my mom.

"Ok." Luke sighed giving up.

"I know it's ok." Marie said and she started to do something with my eyelashes.

"What are you doing?" I asked her confused.

"I'm putting mascara on your eyes, silly." Marie said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Oh." I said and Marie put one of her fingers over my mouth to make me be quiet.

"I'm done!" Marie exclaimed happily and she set the brush down running down the hall and into my room in search of something. She came running back in with a mirror.

"Oh, I look so pretty!" I exclaimed not knowing how to react.

"You like it?" she asked happily bouncing into my lap as she bounced on my lap.

"I love it." I said and I held Marie still.

"LOOK WHAT I MADE WITH DANIEL!!!" I looked to my left and watched as Max ran into the living room and jumped next to me.

"That's so cool." I commented as I held the poorly painted dragon in my hands.

"I tired." Max said and yawned as he leaned his tiny head against my arm.

"Want to go to your room?" James asked and Max nodded as he jumped onto James and James lifted him up and carried him to the back of the house, or prison as I've heard Jai call it.

"Beau! Beau! Beau!" Marie said happily as she bounced on my lap.

"What do you need?" I asked Marie and she wrapped her arms around my neck as she leaned against me resting her head on my shoulder.

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