Chapter 8

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Mack's POV

I blinked my eyes open trying to wake up. I sat up and my eyes widened when I saw Mariah. She was sleeping on top of Luke curled into his lap with dried tears on her cheeks.

Did Luke force her to love him?

I stood up and my eyes met with Jai's. He stared at me for a while and then opened the door.

"Come with me." he said and his voice made me get chills up my spine. I followed Jai as he held onto my wrist. He opened the door silently and pulled me through the house and down a hall.

The same hall that Brittany went down.

I swallowed nervously as Jai opened a door exposing a pitch black room. He turned a light on and I saw a bed, desk, dresser, closet, and a door that most likely led to a bathroom. Jai pulled me in and closed the door behind him locking it. I swallowed again trying not to cry.

Was Jai going to kill me?

"Sit." Jai ordered and he pointed to the bed. I sat down shakily sitting on my hands so they would stop shaking.

"What do you want?" I asked mustering up the courage to ask. 

"Don't talk." Jai growled and I kept my mouth closed as Jai searched for something in his drawer. 

"Please tell me." I asked after a few minutes and Jai turned to glare at me.

"I said to not talk." he growled coldly as he looked me up and down. He turned back to his drawer and I watched his back tense and relax. 

"Please." I begged quietly and Jai stood still not moving.

"What did I say? I said not to talk and you talked." Jai growled as he turned around stalking over to me glaring at me. "I'm in charge, you do as I say, not what you want." he growled and I nodded quickly scared to open my mouth. Jai went back to his drawer and I heard a knock on the door. 

"Jai! Police are here! Get the girls and hide them in your room." I heard Beau say and Jai turned to look at me.

"Who should I grab?" Jai called through the door.

"Brittany, Mack, and Becky." Beau said.

"Okay." Jai said and he walked over to me. "Stay here." he said and his voice was actually gentle. I nodded and I watched as Jai ran out of the room leaving me alone on his bed. I pulled my knees up onto the bed and put my head into my hands sighing as my hands shook. I started to cry softly just thinking about my life. I wiped my tears as Jai walked in with Brittany and Becky. "Follow me." Jai ordered and he pulled the dresser away from the wall. He opened a hole in the wall as Brittany and Becky went in front of me. I bent down walking in as Jai pulled the wall shut and I heard somebody move the dresser back in front of the wall covering the spot. 

Jai continued to nudge me forward as we were now crawling.

"Go to where we went last time, quickly." Jai ordered and Brittany and Becky crawled as I followed them. They stopped and Jai sat next to me as my hand shook against his arm.

"This good enough?" Brittany asked and Jai nodded as he looked down at me. I could barely see him but I knew he was there.

"You okay?" Jai whispered into my ear and I nodded pulling my knees up to my chest as I heard Beau talking to the police officers. "Hey, Becky and Brittany, go down farther. I need to talk to Mackenzie." Jai said and the girls crawled down more as my heartbeat started to accelerate. I swallowed quickly as I held my shaking hands underneath me.

"W-What's u-up, J-Jai." I stuttered and Jai looked down at me. I could literally only see his eyes in the dark.

"I want to know about your parents. Be happy I'm doing it this way than the way Beau does it." Jai demanded and I felt the tears run down my face.

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