Chapter 15

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Mack's POV

"I don't see why you would want to come here." Connor said as he drove me to where I instructed him.

"It's where they live. I want Marie out of there. Then we can get Mariah." I said and Connor nodded as I yawned leaning my head against the window closing my eyes.

"But you are so tired, why not tomorrow?" Connor asked.

"No, now." I said opening my eyes to look at Connor who just sighed and pulled into the driveway.

"Let's go." he smirked and we both stepped out of the car. Connor walked in front of me as he knocked on the door loudly.

"I'm nervous." I whispered and Connor smirked at me.

"Don't be scared." he smirked and I glared at him as he banged on the door again.

"What can you possibly want?" Jai growled as he swung the door open and he glared at me and Connor.

"Well, first off I want my little sister." I growled and Connor held me back as Jai smirked.

"Where's your money than?' Jai smirked and Connor shoved Jai inside and against the wall quickly and I heard a gasp as I stayed outside.

"Beau, Beau!" I heard Marie cry in terror probably from seeing Jai and then Connor who looks pretty scary at first sight.

"Sit back down." Connor demanded and Marie sat back down in fear and I watched as Beau stood up glaring at Connor who had Jai pinned against the wall.

Why am I not doing anything?

"Marie, go to Luke's room." Beau whispered and she ran down the hall and I heard a door open and close quickly.

"I told her to sit down." Connor growled as he shoved Jai to the floor stalking over to Beau. Jai looked up at me from the floor and he stood up stalking over to me with a smirk.

"Crap." I whispered as he was almost in front of me.

"Not today, Jai." Connor smirked slamming Jai into the wall and then flashing me a smile. "Don't worry." he chuckled and I glared at him as he walked back inside but stopped and turned around to look at me. "Stay there." he ordered and I nodded as he pushed past Beau and I watched him go down the hall.

I like Connor, he has no fear.


Marie's POV

I held onto Luke as I shook and he held me confused.

"It's okay." he soothed me as I clutched onto his shirt holding it in my fingers.

"He scares me. They both do." I whispered and Luke stroked my hair as he leaned against his headboard holding me in his lap.

"Shh, it's okay." Luke soothed me and the door burst open and I curled into Luke closing my eyes tightly.

"Luke, I think you have something of mine that I would like back." the mystery boy smirked and I dug my nails into Luke's back.

"No, I don't think so." Luke said and I switched how I was sitting and looked at the tall boy who was smirking at me and Luke.

"Yes, Luke, and I want her back." he smirked advancing over to us.

"No! I don't want to go with you! I want to stay with Luke!" I yelled clutching onto Luke's shirt even tighter.

"But I have your sister, Mack. Don't you want to come and join her?" he said smirking as I swallowed nervously.

"No." I said bluntly as he chuckled.

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