Chapter 23

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Mariah's POV

"Mariah, the limo is here!" Connor yelled and I finished applying my makeup as I smiled.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I yelled and I walked down the steps my curls bouncing behind me as Luke stood at the bottom of the steps nervously pacing and biting his lip.

"Finally!" Connor huffed and Luke looked up his light brown eyes meeting my dark brown eyes.

"Wow, uh, you look, uh, pretty." Luke said licking his lips nervously.

"Yeah, she does." Mack smiled as she leaned against the wall watching me.

"I'm so glad you get to go." Connor said and he hugged me tightly as I hugged him back.

"Come on the party is about to leave!" Jai yelled walking inside as Melissa waited by the door. We had the same dress on except hers was a light green. 

"Ready?" Luke asked me holding his hand out for me to grab.

"Ready." I smiled nodding my head as I grabbed Luke's hand as he kissed my cheek.

"Have fun." Connor smiled taking a picture of us and Mack laughed.

"But not too much." Mack smirked winking as I laughed.

"Don't worry." I smiled and Luke pulled me outside where the limo waited.

"Finally!" Melissa exclaimed with a smile as she waited with Jai's arm wrapped around her waist. 

The two hooked up about a month ago and just really hit it off. Melissa was slowly changing Jai from a cold, heartless monster to a kind, gentleman. 

"Wait! Mariah! Let me get a picture!" I turned around and watched as Callie ran towards me Marcus running behind her. She had a camera in her hands and her blonde curls were piled into a bun.

Turns out that Callie is Marcus' little sister. He thought that she was living with his Grandma because of his parents death.

"Okay, get in the picture." I said pulling Luke over to my side as we both smiled and Callie snapped her camera taking a picture.

"Thank you." she said smiling widely as Marcus wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"You have come out of your shell, I see." Melissa said happily since she knows and loves Callie like I do.

"Yeah, living with Marcus and the other boys really helps." Callie smiled and I laughed nodding.

"GET IN THE LIMO OR WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" Jai yelled sticking his head out the window.

"JAI SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Melissa yelled back at Jai shoving his head back through the window as Jai grunted in pain as Melissa continued to shove his head into the limo.

"I'll let you guys go." Callie said smiling as she hugged me before grabbing Marcus' hand and the two walked into my house.

"Okay, let's go." I said and Luke wrapped his arm around my waist as we got into the limo sitting down. I rested my head on Luke's shoulder smiling as Jai kissed Melissa.

"Ready to have the time of your life?" Luke asked me and I laughed nodding.

"Yes." I said and he chuckled as the limo driver started the drive to the school.

We arrived at the school that had balloons outside of the door. I stepped out of the limo Luke at my side. Jai and Melissa walked quickly into the school as Luke and I slowly made our way into the school. We walked into the gym and I smiled at all the people dancing and drinking as the crowded bodies seemed to move as one.

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