Chapter 5

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I blinked my eyes open and sat up slowly stretching my back as I watched Rose sleep next to me as Mack slept behind me.

"Beau!" I heard Marie say happily and I listened closely as Beau opened the door.

"Hi, Marie. Did you sleep well?" Beau asked and I heard her run over to Beau.

"Yes, I did. Can I give you a makeover?" Marie asked.

"She gave me one! Don't I look pretty?" Max asked and I smiled thinking about how Marie pretended to give Max makeovers.

"Sure, why don't we go get some breakfast and then we can sit and you can give me a makeover." Beau said and I don't understand how he can be so nice.

"Can we get Mack and Mariah?" Max asked and I heard Beau sigh.

"Yes, I'll have Luke go and wake them up. Okay?" Beau said and I knew Max nodded as I heard them leave and Beau yell for Luke.

"Mariah! Are you up?" I looked at the door and I saw a girl standing and leaning against the door. I think this was Ryan.

"Yes, are you Ryan?" I asked and she nodded. She pulled a bobby pin from her hair and opened the door closing it behind her sticking the bobby pin back in her hair.

"Get up, get your sister and come with me." she demanded and I was taken aback by her tone.

"What?" I asked confused and her eyes were cold as she looked down at me.

"I don't repeat myself." she hissed and I stood up waking up Mack as she stood up next to me.

"And I don't like the way you talk to me." I growled and she put her hands on her hips glaring at me.

"If I were you, I would stop while you can." She growled making me swallow nervously.

"Fine." I spat and she smirked opening the door and leading Mack and I out.

"Hey! What are you doing with them!" I turned my head to see Jai walking towards us angry like always.

"On your left you can see hell and straight ahead hell carried on. Oh, hi Jai! I'm just giving them a tour." Ryan smirked and I could tell that Jai hated her.

"No you aren't. They are coming with me." Jai growled and Mack held onto my arm and I could tell she really was terrified of Jai, I mean who isn't terrified of him.

"Whatever." Ryan growled and rolled her eyes walking away not even caring.

"Follow me." Jai growled and grabbed Mack's wrist and mine as well as he pulled us towards the house where I assumed Beau, Max, and Marie were along with the other boys.

Jai opened the door and pushed Mack in before him making her stumble slightly. Jai balanced her again and I could tell how angry Jai got when she tensed at his hands on her shoulders.

"There they are." Beau said and I saw that Max and Marie were already eating large pancakes with their hands as Beau sat next to them.

"Here we are." I muttered and I took Mack over to the table. To be honest, Mack looked terrible. Her eyes were red and she had large bags under her eyes. Her hair was all messed up and knotted hanging in her face and the curls had become nonexistent.

"I made pancakes, so go ahead and eat." Beau said and I sat down as I started to eat along with Mack who ate slowly and like she just wanted to die.

"Is she okay?" Jai whispered into my ear and I looked up at Jai shaking my head.

"She's not okay." I said and he pulled me off to the side of the kitchen as he looked me in the eye.

"Well, can I do something to make her feel better?" Jai asked and I knew he hated bringing it up.

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