Chapter 17

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Connor's POV

"Stay in the car." I ordered Marie and Max seeing as Mack had fallen asleep.

"Okay." Marie said and I stepped out of the car closing and locking the doors behind me.

I walked over to the door knocking as I waited for an answer. The door opened and I stared at Luke as he looked at me.

"I have money for Mariah." I said showing no emotion towards Luke.

"Oh, okay. Right this way." Luke said as he led me to a door where he opened the door and my eyes widened as I stared at the cells that lined the wall.

"How many girls do you have here?" I growled at Luke and he just ignored me walking past a few girls. I slammed him into the wall getting a few gasps from the two girls whose cells we were in front of. "Answer me Luke." I growled.

"Hey, I helped your sister!" Luke growled and I let him go staring at him disgusted.

"You should feel disgusted." I growled at him looking at the girls. "These girls are going to be scared of boys for the rest of their life."

"Not all, some go on to live normal lives." Luke said as he pulled a key off of the wall.

"And the others most likely will commit suicide. Am I right?" I growled and Luke ignored me as he studied the key.

"What if I stabbed you with this key?" Luke asked looking up at me.

"What if I broke your neck?" I growled and Luke looked away from me.

"I guess my plan failed." Luke said smirking.

"Yes, it did. Now give me my sister and I'll give you the money." I growled and Luke led me to a cell. I stared at the girl who was sitting in the corner with her head in her knees crying softly.

"Mariah, somebody's here for you." Luke said and Mariah's head shot up and her eyes met mine.

"Connor." she said her eyes wide as she stood up but stayed in the corner.

"Hi, Mariah." I said smirking slightly as she looked up at me.

"You, uh, got older and, uh, taller." she said swallowing nervously as I chuckled at her expression.

"Yes, it's called aging and puberty." I teased her and I shoved the envelope filled with money at Luke.

"What are you doing here?" Mariah asked as Luke opened the door yet Mariah's stayed where she stood.

"What does it look like? I'm here to get you." I said and she looked at me confused.

"Why? You left us, why come now?" she growled angrily at me. 

"Mariah, my temper is short." I growled glaring at Mariah as she swallowed nervously looking up at me. I grabbed her upper arm gently pulling her towards me.

"But, Marie-"

"Is in the car. Marie is in the fu-"

"Firetrucking." Mariah cut me off and I glared at her confused.

"Yes, Marie is in the 'firetrucking' car." I said rolling my eyes as Mariah looked at me shocked.

"But, Luke said that she was kidnapped." Mariah said as I pulled her through the house to take her home as Luke quickly followed behind us.

"Nope, unless you consider me a kidnapper seeing as I took her at night....forcefully." I said and Mariah glared at me.

"That's considered kidnapping!" Mariah yelled at me as I pulled her outside causing Luke to stand at the door biting his lip nervously as he watched us go.

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