Chapter 1

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I was going to my first MAGcon! I would get to meet the guys and we would hang out for a couple days until it actually started. I live in Indiana and the meet and greet was in Baltimore, so I had to take a plane. My mom worked all the time and my dad did too, so I was going by myself. Scary, huh?

It was okay though. I had been on planes by myself before. That was because I had dance meets all over the country that I couldn't miss and my parents couldn't go to so I had to go by myself.

I boarded the plane and found my seat. I put my stuff in the overhead thingy and sat down. I posted on that I was on the plane and then I looked out the window. We hadn't taken off yet but I knew we would soon.

No one had sat down next to me yet, so I was wondering if I would be alone in my seat when a guy sat down next to me. I looked up at his face and mentally started freaking out. It was Taylor Caniff. The Taylor Caniff. I knew that I was eventually going to meet him anyways, but I wasn't expecting it to be then!

I should have known, though. Taylor had been visiting his family in Indiana and he was heading to Baltimore too.

Taylor looked down at me. "Hi." He greeted. "I'm Taylor."

I didn't say anything. I was in too much shock. Taylor expression turned into a concerned one. "Are you okay?" He asked worryingly.

I shook off my fan girl moment and said, "Yeah. My name's Cassidy. But you can call me Cass or Cassie if you want."

"Nice to meet you, Cass." I nodded to him and looked out the window. We had taken off.

The view was amazing. It always awed me that things could look so different from up here. On the ground all the buildings and everything looked so big, but up here everything was small and tiny. I guess it's the point of view you are in. You're problems are like that too. They may seem big and scary at first but you just need to get a different point of view to see that they aren't that bad at all.

"That's true." Taylor's voice jerked me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him strangely and then remembered. "Oh, crap. Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

"Yep." He answered, popping the p. The rest of the flight was made in silence.

(Skip to when she's driving to the hotel because I'm too lazy to write.)

I was in the car with Bart and we were driving to the hotel we were staying at for MAGcon. According to Bart, all the guys were already there.

"And don't worry. Mahogany is there so you won't be entirely alone in a hotel full of boys." Bart finished as we pulled into the parking lot. This was so exciting! "I have to go finish up some stuff but you can go in and meet the guys. The receptionist will tell you you're room but all the guys are in Cam's room right now. It's on the 10th floor. Room 607." I got my stuff out of the truck and said goodbye to Bart. This was it. I was going to meet the guys!

I hope if you are reading this you like it! It's short but I promise it will get better.

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