Chapter 14

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I walked into the hotel room on Friday for MAGcon Nashville, and a chorus of finally's went around the room. "Sorry." I replied, shrugging. "My plane was late."

"I think this deserves a roast battle." Jacob suggested.

"Yeah!" Everyone exclaimed.

"A roast battle?" I questioned, setting my bag on the floor.

"Have you ever heard of the huh challenge?" Aaron asked. I nodded. "It's like that but it's basically a battle between two people."

"Ok, who am I battling?" I inquired.

"Jacob, because he suggested it and he was late too. Jacob you go first." Cam commanded.

Jacob thought for a moment and said, in a girly voice, "My name's Cassidy and I still need my parents to ride the roller coaster with me. Huh!" Everyone chuckled a bit.

"And he used her full name too!" Hunter added.

It was my turn. I took a second of thought and then got my idea. Imitating Jacob's voice, I said, "My name's Jacob and my eyebrows are like my friends. I have none! Huh!" I added a voice crack at the end for full effect.

Everyone laughed a bit because of the voice crack. Brandon yelled, "Savage!"

Jacob's turn. "My name's Cassidy and I don't have a life goal because I'm too short to reach it! Huh!" Everyone oohed at this and I pretended to be offended.

I needed to think of a really good one this time. I got it. "My name's Rolf and I hang out with short people to make myself look taller. Huh!" Jacob blushed bright red at the use of his first name. Everyone was doubling over with laughter.

"Okay, that's enough ." Bart said. When had he gotten here? "If you want to go do something today."

I perked up. "Can we go to the grand 'ol 'oprey?" I asked excitedly.

Everyone stared at me like I was crazy. "No!" Everyone practically shouted.

"We're going to the country music hall of fame." Blake informed me.

"Oh," I replied, slightly dissapointed. "Just let me change first." I was wearing sweatpants and a long sleeved tee and I didn't want to wear that.

After I changed I walked into the room where the boys were. Dylan said, "Hey Cass, I'll give you 10 bucks if you bring a picture of yourself and put it on the wall at the country music hall of fame."

"Done." I quickly answered, sticking my arm out for him to shake,

Dylan looked at me, obviously surprised. "Do you even have a picture of yourself?"

I nodded. Was he dumb? "I always keep my headshot with me in case an opportunity comes along to use it." Common sense people!

"Okay then." Dylan replied shaking my hand. "You're to chicken to do it anyway." Oh, what a rude awakening Dylan would receive.

I jogged back to my room and grabbed the headshot I used for all of my auditions out of my bag. I also grabbed the roll of tape that was randomly in my bag.

Brandon was the only boy that was ready when I came out of my room. Instead of waiting for the rest of the boys, we ran down to the lobby in hopes of getting the best seat in the car.

We were almost to the doors when out of no where Johnny  breezed past followed by all the rest of the boys. I was sadly the last person to get in the car so I got stuck in the middle of the back seat.

I was in the middle of Brandon and Hunter and they both kept trying to bottle flip their waters into the cupholders. I was getting annoyed, so I grabbed a bottle out of the air and I flipped it onto the arm of the seat. It landed on its cap.

"Now stop." I commanded. Brandon and Hunter were looking at me like I was crazy. The rest of the ride was made in silence.

We got to the Hall of Fame and I scurried out of the car. We got into the building and found the hallway where everybody's picture was. Pretty much all the guys were filming me. Cam was filming a musically for me.

The musically was to the song Hall of Fame. I taped my picture up to the wall and quickly ran away.

As I was walking away I ran into a wall of black fabric. It was a security guard. "What are you doing?" He asked with a gruff voice.

I slink backwards, my face blushing. "I'm sorry sir. It was a dare. I'll take it down now." I quickly grabbed the picture and tore it off the wall.

Instead of yelling at me, like I thought he would, the guard smiled at me. "It's okay. My daughter loves your videos! Can I get a video of you saying hi to here?" He asked hopefully.

I was surprised. "Uh, sure!" He got a phone out of his pocket.

"Her name is Emily." He informed, pressing play.

I smiled and waved. "Hi Emily!"

He quit filming. "Now you better get out of here. My boss would probably kill you." With that I smiled at him and left.

I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have this musical thug right now and I have performances almost every night. Besides that, I also have school. I promise I'll try to update more!

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