Chapter 20

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The next morning I woke up to my annoying alarm. I grabbed my phone off the side table and checked Twitter.

I saw that the MAGcon account had posted the video of me on my birthday and I smiled. People were so nice.

I took a shower and got dressed (outfit up top). I straightened my hair and pulled it into a ponytail.

After slipping on some shoes I headed down the hall. When I got to Cam's room I saw Bart was there. "Just a heads up, Cass, there are a ton of fans outside the hotel doors. Please be really careful when walking out." Bart informed me.

He was right. There was a ton of fans. It was so much worse than it had been in Philadelphia, and I wasn't even on crutches.

The fans were pushing and screaming. My feet got stepped on about a million times and my hair got pulled about that many times too. There were flashes and clicks and fans tried to take pictures.

I somehow got sucked into the very heart the crowd. Fans were trying to grab my arms or clothes. I even got poked int the eye.

I found my way out of the crowd eventually and hurried into the car. My eye was watering and it was red. "You okay?" Aaron asked as I got in the car.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. "Some fan just poked me in the eye."

"Okay." He replied looking back at him phone.

MAGcon was great that day. And it helped that I was really pumped because I was going to the Shawn Mendes concert the next day.

Everything came crashing down during the q and a. It was my turn to pick a fan to ask a question so I picked a tall girl in the front row. Her question was, "Why did you steal that girl's choreography?"

I was immediately confused. I didn't steal any choreography! "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Oh," the girl replied. "I just saw on Twitter that some girl named Riley was roasting you and saying that you stole the choreography to three of her dances."

Riley? Riley Andrews?

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, you must be mistaken."

We moved on to the next question even thought the fan obviously had more to say. We started talking about something else and we somehow got on the topic of my dancing again.

"Cass, can you even do anything other than that frilly ballet stuff you do all the time here?" Blake asked.

I rolled my eyes. "It's called lyrical. And yes, actually, I can."

All the boys laughed. "Sure you can." Brandon remarked sarcastically.

I stood up. "Fine then. I'll just have to show you." I went backstage and slipped on my tap shoes that I had just happened to bring along. I went onstage and plugged in my phone.

"I am going to do the tap dance that I won nationals with a couple years ago." I played my music and did the tap dance (up top).

After I was done everyone cheered. "Okay that was actually pretty cool," Blake admitted. I smiled.

I took off my tap shoes and went backstage to find my adidas black and white striped shoes. They were no where to be seen.

I walked back onstage and saw that the boys had my shoes. They were comparing them to their shoes. "Guys, please give me my shoes back."

Brandon picked up my shoe. "Okay. Heads up." He chucked the shoe through the air and it landed square in my jaw.

"Ow!" I exclaimed.

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