Chapter 21

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Even when I was home the hate still continued. Riley was lying and it was ruining my life.

Not only were my fans getting angry but there were more famous people I had gotten to know through dms that were sticking up for me. Even those I hadn't ever talked to were backing me up.

@bruhitszach: All fans that are saying Cass stole her choreography are fake fans that don't even know Cass.

@camerondallas: Fake people lying to millions of people, just shut up would ya?

Even Shawn posted on Twitter telling people to lay off on me. He was so nice.

I don't know how, but some people got Riley's number and exposed it. I didn't want that to happen.

I was getting fed up with everything. Instead on joining in the hate race, I decided to make a video doing something I had never showed anyone I could do. I turned on my camera and made this video:

(Sorry about the cussing. Just pretend those aren't in there because Cass doesn't cuss.)

It was a rap I had written a while ago. It had been inspired on how repulsed I was at hate and I was sad when I heard about people committing suicide.

I posted it on YouTube and the description was a long thought out message addressing all the issues in my video along with the stolen choreography accusations. I posted it and waited for the hate.

There was some but surprising most of the comments were praise for my rap or amazement at the fact that I could rap.

A lot of my supports were sharing the video on Twitter and Instagram. The shade page on Instagram had part of the video and people were commenting. Some were commenting nice things. Riley, however, was not.

@andrewsriley: She stole this from me too.

No one believed that. It was the last straw, even for people who believed her.

@flamingeos: @andrewsriley I thought you might be telling the truth with the dances, but this is ridiculous. You're lying about everything, and I realize that now.
@babyariel: @andrewsriley Stop trying to take credit for what you didn't do. That's just low.

I was really glad that some people were nice. After my post, things started to calm down. Riley's supporters turned on her, seeing that she was not doing the right thing.

I posted proof on Instagram that I had filmed the video way before Riley, and that got the rest of the people. They finally stopped hating on me. Well, most of them, anyway.

I was surprised my brothers hadn't said anything to me about it yet. As I walked downstairs to get a water, I realized that they were just waiting for me to come downstairs.

I grabbed a water from the fridge and started to walk back upstairs when they cornered me. Jackson held his phone in my face. It was the video of me rapping. "How come we didn't know you could rap?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I never really told anyone because I didn't think it was that big of a deal." I opened my water and took a sip.

Chase stared at me like I was crazy. "It is a big deal! You're so good! And you're rapping about really deep stuff because of the Riley thing. That's pretty important."

Carter nodded. "Yeah. You should've told us about the hate and we could have helped you!"

I shrugged again. "Whatever. It's fine now." I walked away from my brother's into the living room. I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone. I almost fell off the couch when I saw what time it was. I had to go to dance soon!

I went upstairs and quickly changed into my dance clothes and hurried downstairs. "Someone needs to take me to dance." I yelled as I put my hair in a ponytail.

"Jackson can." Carter yelled from the couch.

Jackson groaned. "Why do I always have to go?" He reluctantly got up and went outside to start his car.

Once at the dance studio, I hurried inside. I got my shoes on and started warming up.

Once everyone was there, Elle called us all the the front. "Okay, I have some important news," she stated. "As you know, nationals are coming up in a few weeks. I usually take you all but this year, I am only going to take four dancers."

We all gasped. Elle never took less than 6 dancers to nationals! "I know that might sound kinda crazy but it is for all of our best interest. I will be taking Callie, Olivia, Brooklyn, and Cass." I smiled as I heard my name. "You will all be in the group dance as well as have solos. Callie, Olivia, and Cass will also have a trio. Sorry Brooklyn."

The rest of the practice was uneventful other than the fact that I could feel Lucas burning holes into the back of my neck with his menacing stare.

When I got home, I told my mom that I was going to nationals. She was really happy for me. But I still had one more MAGcon event before then.

The next MAGcon event was in Augusta, Kansas. We were apparently going to meet up with Tanner Braungardt at him house during the trip because he lived in Augusta.

I had gotten there and we were on our way to his house. I was wearing this because I was told that we were going to be doing some flips and such.

 I was wearing this because I was told that we were going to be doing some flips and such

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My hair was in a high ponytail. Once we got to Tanner's house, we all got out of the car and I immediately noticed the many trampolines surrounding the pool in his backyard. This was going to be fun.

I am so happy that I got this chapter out this fast! I just hope it is good enough for some peoples standards. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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