Chapter 23

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The next day I woke up before everyone else. Tanner's mom was up, however, and she made me a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast. I thanked her and changed into my outfit (up top).

After I got dressed I headed outside. It was really nice. I did some flips but I didn't do anything really hard. Jeremy was the first guy out.

"Hey Cass." He greeted. I nodded in acknowledgement. "You want me to give you a double bounce?"

I shrugged. "Sure." I answered.

I planned on doing a layout, maybe s double layout. But with he amazing double bounce Jeremy gave me and ended up doing a triple. I landed it, too.

Jeremy looked at me in astonishment. "Oh my word, Cass! I gotta go tell the guys!" He raced inside.

Jeremy soon came back with all the guys, some of them looking half asleep. It was only 8:15.

Jeremy jogged over. "They don't believe me!" He exclaimed, exasperated.

I wasn't surprised. "Well, let's do it again." Jeremy agreed and we set up to do it again.

It worked. I did a triple layout but this time I didn't land it. I was off center and I landed on the very edge of the remap by the springs. My knee hit the metal.

All the guys were congratulating me and Jeremy came over to help me up. There was a huge red welt on my knee.

It didn't hurt that much but I went inside and out the compression knees legging things on just in case. All the guys were jumping into the pool.

I quickly changed into my swimsuit and came back outside.

I quickly changed into my swimsuit and came back outside

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We then did some flips into the pool. I didn't do anything really hard in fear of hitting the water too hard.

We took a break for lunch around noon. We had sandwiches. I had my plate of food and I was walking outside to sit in one of the chairs when I tripped over someone's shoes.

Everyone was laughing as I pushed myself off the ground, my face blushing red. I stood up and picked up the shoes on the ground. They were a pair of grey eclipse patterned Nike Roshes. I immediately recognized them as Casey's shoes.

I looked over to where Casey was siting and he was laughing his head off along with the rest of the guys. "Hey Casey!" I yelled, catching his attention. He stopped laughing and looked at me. I held his shoes over the pool and dropped them in. "Oops." I remarked.

Casey eyes got wide and he scrambled to take his shirt off and dive into the pool. He resurfaced a couple seconds later with the soggy shoes intact. "I'm gonna kill you." He muttered as he climbed out of the pool.

As soon as he got on dry land he dropped his shoes and started chasing me. I immediately took off running away from Casey because I frankly didn't want to die.

Casey chased me into Tanner's front yard and down the road. He chased me down to the end of Tanner's street and I stopped abruptly as I saw that it was a dead end. Casey was still chasing me so I jumped into a tree and stayed up their as Casey and some of the boys caught up to me.

"Come down you wimp!" Casey taunted.

I shook my head. "No thanks, I'm good." I replied.

Casey smirked. "I guess I'll just throw your phone in the pool, then." He took off down to Tanner's house.

I immediately jumped down from the tree and sprinted down the sidewalk. My phone was literally the one thing that I needed. I know that it might side entitled and snobby but my phone was literally my life source.

I got to the house and I jumped the fence to the backyard. Casey was standing with my phone suspended over the pool.

"You ruined my shoes, now I ruin your phone." I saw my life flash before my life as my phone dropped out of his hands. I did the only logical thing anyone with any sense would do.

I jumped.

Into the pool. With all my clothes on.

I snatched my phone out of the air just before it hit the water. I climbed out of the water and made sure my phone still before breathing a sigh of relief. My phone was fine.

I looked up at the angry Casey. "Calm down, Case. I'll buy you a new pair of Nikes." Casey's face immediately softened.

"Well, if you insist." He replied. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't the one insisting.

After the whole shoe/phone debacle, I changed out of my wet clothes.

After the whole shoe/phone debacle, I changed out of my wet clothes

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(She is wearing the white shirt and the black shorts.)

We were hanging out in the backyard, bored, when Quentin suggested we play basketball.

I groaned. "I'm horrible at basketball." I complained.

Millon dismissed my statement with a wave of his hand. "We'll play anyway."

I protested but we ended up playing anyway. I was on a team with Tanner, Jacob, Luke, and Dylan.

The first part of the game went fine. I didn't get the ball at all, and that made me very happy.

Suddenly I was the only one open. Luke had the ball and saw me. He exclaimed my name and chucked the ball to me. I was surprised I even caught it,

I dribbled in and prepared to pass it. No one was open so I went up for the layup. Unfortunately my timing and aim was very off.

I undershot the ball and it hit the bottom of the rim and then dropped on my head. As well as that, I couldn't stop running and my momentum forced me to crash into the basketball hoop pole. He impact made me stumble backward, trip over a rock, and fall into Bryson.

Bryson caught me by the waist before I could completely fall.

"Okay, you really are horrible at basketball." Tanner admitted.

"I told you." I responded. Standing upright.

Bryson laughed. "Yeah, maybe you should stick to dance."

I finally updated! This chapter took so long to write because I had writer's block. I hope you like it anyway!

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