Chapter 24

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Even thought he guys now knew I was horrible at basketball, they forced me to keep playing. And what made it even worse is that they kept passing it to me.

After getting hit in the head about 15 times I finally drew the line. "Okay, I'm done. I refuse to play anymore." I stated, throwing the ball to Tanner.

"No, we want to watch you fail more!" Like complained.

I stuck my tongue out at him and continued to walk inside. When I got inside as saw Millon and Quientin (who had gone in earlier) and the rest of the guys who hadn't played looking at MY computer.

They were laughing at a picture of me from a couple years before. I looked like a complete nerd in the photo because I had braces and I was wearing pigtails because it was during my pigtail craze.

My battlefield reflexes kicked in as soon as I saw it. I sprinted over to the guys and attempted to shut the computer off but Quentin held me back.

"Dude, you were such a dork!" He exclaimed.

I glared at him. "I was eight!"

Millon clicked on the next arrow and a video of my and my sister popped up. My eyes got wide. I didn't even know I still had that!

Millon pressed play and the sound of my sister and I singing filled the room. (The video is up top.)

The video ended and I realized the other guys had come in from outside. "Okay, that was seriously cute, I have to admit." Tanner spoke up.

"I thought you said on one of your broadcasts before that you don't sing." Brady observed quizzically.

"I don't." I stated.

Casey shot me a skeptical glance. "It sure sounded like you did."

"And I saw that video of you rapping the other day." Dylan added.

Luke shook his head. "What? No. Girls can't rap." He arrogantly said.

He didn't realize he was playing with fire.

"Um, excuse me? Did you forget about Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea, and Missy Elliot?" I asked, moving closer to Luke.

Luke waved me off. "Yeah, yeah they can rap, but you? I don't think so." He crossed his arms and looked at me.

"You probably shouldn't have said that." Bryson warned.

At least someone had some sense.

"Yeah, he shouldn't have." I got in Luke's face. "You wanna see a girl rap? Well, I'll show you."

I backed up and took out my phone and clicked on the karaoke version of "Rap God" by Eminem.

When I got the the gay boy part, I directed it at Luke and everybody oohed.

Once I finished all the guys except Luke clapped. I was really starting to not like him.

Luke didn't talk to me for the rest of the night. He practically pretended I didn't exist. Even when I tried to congratulate him on a triple full, he still ignored me.

It was around 9 at night and all the guys were camped out in the living room on their phones playing kiss or diss and I didn't really want to know if they would smooch some of my internet friends, so I snuck outside.

I went over to the trampoline and sat down on the middle. I stared up at the sky and tried to think deeply like they did in the movies, but I'm pretty sure no one actually does that.

I was reciting John Green quotes in my head to come up with some philosophical thoughts, when a voice broke the silence.

"Watch'a thinking about?" Taylor asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing really. I thought maybe I could write a really cool quote in my mind but everything I think of just strangely sounds like a "Fault in our Stars" reference."

She laughed. "I understand. Why'd you come out here? All the guys are inside."

I glanced at her. "Would you really want to here guys talk about kissing or dissing people that you know personally?"

She laughed again. "I guess not. I think they stopped doing that after you left, though." She observed.

"What are they talking about then?" I inquired.

She hesitated before answering. "You, I think."

My eyes widened. "Really?" She nodded. "Wanna go spy on them?" She nodded again.

We snuck over to the window and pressed our ears against them. "-she's pretty awesome." I heard Owen say.

"But she's such a show off!" Luke argued.

Tanner lightly pushed him. "Only because you're being a complete jerk to her." Others agreed.

Luke sighed. "I just think that she shouldn't be here. It's always just been guys!" He exclaimed.

"That doesn't mean it can't change!" Jeremy argued. "I mean, she's really pretty too. If she was a couple years older I might try to date her." I cringed. Why me?

"Yeah." Bryson agreed. "Logan can go for it though!" He exclaimed.

"Nah guys, that's weird. I barely even know her." Thank goodness for considerate people.

I decided enough was enough and I got up and entered through the door. "Hey guys, what's up?" I said, flopping on a bean bag.

"Nothing much, just decided if we should go to a trampoline park tomorrow or not." Millon lied.

"We should totally do that." I agreed.

The next day I woke up and put on my outfit (up top). I put my hair in a messy bun and we got ready to go to the trampoline park.

All was going well until I was on one of the big trampolines. I was in the middle of a triple backflip when I froze. For some reason, I was paralyzed with fear and I couldn't move. This had never happened to me before.

I saw the floor coming towards me and I was sure I was going to break my neck. I tried to scream but I could only squeak out a small 'help.'

Everything was going in slow motion and I braced for impact. Suddenly, strong arms came underneath me and I was saved from certain injury. Someone had caught me.

I looked at the face expecting to see Tanner or something but it was Luke. He looked really concerned.

He set me down and my arms were shaking. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You didn't even try to land that!"

I nodded my head. "I don't know what happened. I just couldn't flip anymore." I finally stopped shaking. "Why'd you catch me anyway? You don't even like me."

"I couldn't just let you die, now could I? I don't think you're fans would be very happy with me."

I shrugged. "I guess."

None of the other guys had seen, but they did see when I slipped while landing my ariel. All the guys laughed and my face turned red.

"Well, can any of you do that?" Luke asked. This was the first time he had ever stuck up for me. "Because I know I can't and you shouldn't be laughing unless you can."

No one replied. Everyone was a little embarrassed. Except for Millon, who swore he could do one. However, when he tried, he landed on his stomach, not even doing a full flip.

We all laughed. Millon took his turn to be embarrassed. I guess I wasn't the only one who failed.

Hi guys! Long time no see! I hope you like this chapter. It took a while to write because I am really busy but my weekends will be freeing up soon. See ya!

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