Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning and didn't see anyone because mahogany was surprisingly already up. I went for my daily jog.

Once done, I came back to the hotel and hopped in the shower. When I got out I put on my outfit (top) and did two French braids in my hair. I slipped on some brown uggs and grabbed my phone from the charger.

When I entered the room everyone was crowded around Aaron who quickly put his phone away as soon as I walked in the room.

"Oh, shi- sheesh. I said sheesh." Taylor almost cursed.

I looked suspiciously at Aaron. "What is going on here?" I questioned.

"Nothing." Jacob answered.

I motioned to Aaron. "But when I walked in-"

Hunter walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "It's nothing for you to worry your flexible little bones over, sweetheart."

I pushed his arm off my shoulders. "Sweetheart? Nice try,  Rowland."

"So you admit it was good." Hunter asked.

"No, no it was not good." I replied. Hunter shrugged. "And I still want to know what you guys were doing.

"It was nothing." Aaron covered up. "Now let's go eat some breakfast before Magcon!"

I dropped the issue even though I was still very curious. We went to ihop and I ordered some blueberry pancakes a d orange juice.

Everyone else was ordering coffee, even Jacob, Brandon, Johnny, and Hunter. When Chris asked me why I didn't get coffee I just made a face at him and said, "Coffee is disgusting."

The whole table went silent. "You don't like coffee?" Dylan asked, obviously surprised.

"No, it tastes like crap." I plainly answered.

Cam leaned across the table. "Well at least this means she isn't one of the basic white girls who is obsessed with Starbucks and Instagram!"

Everyone laughed, even me. "I can agree with the Starbucks part, but who told you I'm not obsessed with Instagram?" Everyone laughed again.

We continued to eat and had little conversations when Hunter exclaimed, "Hey Cass, are your brothers coming to the show today?"

I put my fork down. "Um, not that I know of. Why?"

"Well because all your fans are saying that they posted that on their Twitters." He answered.

I pulled out my phone and searched Carter's Twitter. Sure enough, he had posted, @carteroconner: Going to see my baby sister at her show today with my brothers!

"I guess they are." I stated.

"Guys, we have to be extra good today. We have to impress Cass' brothers!"

I laughed. But in all seriousness, they really did.

MAGcon was pretty much the same, other than the fact that the boys forced me to be in the meet and greet and my brothers insisted on taking a picture with me.

The pose was me, Carter, and Jackson doing the Charlie's angles pose with me in the middle. Landon and Chase were on the floor back to back doing the gun thing.

During the q and a the guys kept picking on my brothers for questions.

The first question Jackson asked was, "Do you guys do anything stupid on tour?"

Blake answered. "I mean, stupidly funny, yes." Everyone snickered.

Also in the q and a someone asked, "Cass, can you teach Cam how to do a backflip?"

I looked at Cam. He shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

I ran backstage and got all the pillows and the cushions off the couch. Didn't want Cam to break his neck.

I came back onstage and all the boys had moved the chairs out of the way. I set up the pillows and cushions and attempted to teach Cam how to do a backflip (go to 10:12 in the video up top to see what happens.)

Aaron helped me throw Cam over. At the end he finally got it and everyone cheered. I clapped. I mean, he was pretty good.

Cam grabbed the mic from Blake and said, "Cass, why don't you show us how many backflips you can do."

I shrugged. "I don't know..."

Cam and everyone in the audience started chanting, "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT."

"Fine." I finally agreed. "But just back handsprings." This is what I did (go to 1:23)

I got done and everyone was cheering.

"Now that's impressive!" Cam commented.

I smiled at him. "Thanks, Cam."

Hey guys! I know that if you follow me closely I published this chapter yesterday, but I didn't like it so I rewrote it. It hurt made Cam seem like a jerk and that's not how I think of him. Anyway, here's the new chapter!

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