Chapter 27

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The next day I decided to be hamiltrash because I felt like it, and my dance was to a song from Hamilton.

I changed into a Hamilton shirt and put some cute leggings on. I did my hair, grabbed a Hamilton bracelet and some shoes, and put two matching Broadway bows in my hair.

I headed down to the boys room and when I got there I was surprised to see Cameron also wearing a Hamilton shirt.

"Aye, Cam! We're sorta twining!" I exclaimed.

Cam looked at my shirt and smiled. "Yeah! #HamFamForever!"

We high fives each other as the other guys looked at us weirdly.

"I know I already said I don't like Hmailton, but this is just making it weirder." Brandon commented.

Cam and I both glared at him then mischievously looked at each other as we simultaneously said, "Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead."

Brandon's eyes got wide. "Huh?" He asked, clearly afraid

With that Cam and I took off after him. Brandon opened the door and started sprinting down the hallway.

We were far behind him so I stopped and put my arm up for Cam to stop. I looked up at him. " I have a better idea than just chasing him."

I whispered the idea in his ear and he smiled and nodded.

He continued to chase Brandon outside so I could carry out my plan. I ran back into the room and opened the door that went to the balcony.

"What is the world?" Taylor asked, putting the bandana he was thing in his hair down.

I hurried to the edge of the balcony and looked over. I could hear Brandon and Cam coming.

"Boys, you might want to record this." I stated looking back at them. They all got their phones out.

I stepped on the solid concrete railing and waited until Brandon was just about below me. Then I shouted "I am not throwing away my shot!" Before front slipping off the balcony and on top of Brandon. We were only on the third floor, so it wasn't that far. It also didn't hurt either.

"Oof," Brandon exclaimed as I landed on him.

Cam caught up to us and was chucking as I heard the sounds of laughing from above.

"Get off me," Brandon complained pushing me off him.

I got up and pretend dusted my hands up. "Sorry. I was just defending Lin Manuel-Miranda and his masterpiece of a musical."

Brandon glared at me. "Whatever."

At the venue, we messed around a bit before the people started coming in. We had a 2 giant exercise balls, for some reason, and we were trying to do somersaults on it.

No one could do it and we would always end on the floor laughing our heads off. We eventually gave up on the idea and started having two people run at each other, each with their own exercise ball.

When Johnny and I did it we both bounced backward like twenty feet. I ended up doing a half back flip over the exercise ball. Everyone was laughing hysterically.

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