Chapter 25

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After a while at the trampoline park we somehow got on the topic of dance.

"Dance is just frilly twirls and jumps." Owen complained.

I rolled my eyes. "It is not."

Neison eyed me skeptically. "I don't know about that..."

I jumped up. "Fine! I'll prove it to you. I just need someone to drive us somewhere."

I gave Tanner's mom the directions and we drove to the place we where going, but I didn't tell anyone where it was. When we got there, I got out of the car and lead the guys to the door.

We entered the building and Jacob immediately breathed a "wow."

It was a hip hop studio.There was a group doing a dance when we got there (top).

"I wanna do that!" Brady remarked.

"Cass!" Someone exclaimed. I turned my head toward the sound of the voice and I saw Vincent Armington jogging over to me.

He was a 20 year old choreographer that I had met before when I wanted to learn more hip hop. He was tall and tan with dark brown hair, gray eyes, and a sharp jawline. Secretly, I had a tiny crush on him. But he didn't need to know that.

We did the bro greeting thing, even though I'm a girl, and Vince smiled. "Who are all these guys?" He asked, looking behind me.

I introduced them all and told Vince what they had told me before we came. "I just wanted to show them that you don't have to do the splits to be a dancer."

Vince nodded. "I sure can't. Anyway, why don't we show them how it's done before trying to teach them something?" I nodded.

We did a dance Vince had taught me the first time we met. I wasn't very good at it then, but I had gotten better.

This is the dance (they are the first group):

After we got done everyone clapped. We tried to teach the guys some moves, but it didn't work that well. Luke learned a little, however. He wasn't bad.

After a while, we were having a lot of fun, but the guys we all tired. "Wimps," I muttered.

Before leaving, Vince asked me to show one of my contemporary dances to the hip hop dancers who didn't know what it looked like. This is the dance I did:

I really like the poem/song that was the music, and everybody else did too. I didn't realize someone was recording me until I was done.

They posted it and I was sure it was going to go all over the Internet. I said goodbye to Vincent and we left.

When we got home the guys went out to do some flips, but I didn't want to go out right away. I asked Kim (Tanner's mom) if I could make cookies and she agreed.

She got the ingredients out for me and taught me how to use the oven. I started making the cookies. I had just gotten the first batch out of the oven and put them on the counter to cool. I left the room for a moment to go to the bathroom.

When I got back in the kitchen, all the cookies were gone and 15 quilts guys stood there eating them.

My eyes got wide. "What are you doing?" I screeched.

Bryson shrugged. "Eating these cookies."

I sighed in exasperation. "All my hard work gone to waste." I complained.

Quentin put his arm around my shoulders and took a bite of his cookie. "Not entirely. I mean, they fed us!" Eh and the other guys laughed and I glared at them.

I finished making the cookies and hid them from the guys. I joined them outside and we did flips for a while more.


It was Friday, the day before MAGcon. I was super excited to see the guys again. I had dropped my bags off at the hotel room and I had just entered the guy's room when someone shouted "smackcam!" and smacked me in the face with some shaving cream.

I wiped the white foam off my eyes and opened them to flare at the person who smack cam'd me. It was Brandon and he was laughing historically.

But as you know, the truth hurts. And the truth was, no one gets away with smack caming Cassidy O'Conner.

I stared at him for a while until he got nervous and stopped laughing. "Dude, we told you not to smack cam her. Do you not remember what happened last time?" Hunter commented.

With this, Brandon took off down the hallway, and I was close to follow. We were both sprinting down the hallway when a door opened.

A lady in her 30's wearing a gray tracksuit and an angry expression stared us down. Brandon and I immediately stopped running.

"What do you think you're doing?" She demanded.

Brandon gulped. "Uh, nothing ma'am." He answered.

The lady rolled her eyes. "Of course you were, young man! That was a rhetorical question! Now, I want you to stop running and keep the noise down or else I will have to call hotel management and get you kicked out." We nodded.

With that she shut her door and we jumped at the sound.

We slowly, and quietly, made our way back down to the room. We cautiously shut the door behind us and faced all the guys he were rolling on the floor laughing. Quietly, of course.

"You guys got busted." Can exclaimed, still laughing. I gave him a death glare and he stopped.

Aaron stood up from his chair. "How about we blow this Popsicle stand and go somewhere else." He suggested.

I snorted. "Blow this Popsicle stand?" I repeated.

He glared at me. "It's an expression! But I guess your too young to know that." Everyone oohed a bit.

Taylor stood up from his position on the floor. "No, but really guys, we should do something."

"How about a fair that in town right now?" Johnny suggested.

We all shrugged in agreement. "The fair it is." Aaron decided.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted as soon as I promised. I just have a hard time coming up with ideas sometimes. I know that's my excuse all the time, but it's true. I would really appreciate some suggestions for the story. But I do appreciate the comments I get now. It really makes me feel good that someone is actually reading this and thinks it's good.
Bye lovlies!

Magcon DancerWhere stories live. Discover now