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During the vocabulary quiz, I found it very hard to concentrate. I was smiling like an absolute goof when I wrote the definition for enamor and chastity. Memories from the night before flooded through my head as I passed my quiz in.

That morning when we got into school, we ran up to Michael, tugging him into the bathroom, and told him what happened. Michael was genuinely very excited. He jumped up and down babbling about having more gay best friends which made me giggle and Calum hid his face in my neck.

"Mr. Irwin, a perfect 100." Mr. Ramirez stated. I grinned and looked down at my book that hid my phone.

Cal Bear: Hey, would you like to go get some ice cream after school?

Me: Sorry, I can't. My mum is working an extra shift at the restaurant. Gotta watch Lauren and Harry.

Cal Bear: Aw dang it. Isn't Lauren old enough?

Me: Cal...

Cal Bear: I know, I know. How about you all come over to my house? We can watch films all night and just have a good time?

Me: After homework?

Cal Bear: After homework. Don't you worry baby. I blushed at the nick name Calum called me.

Me: You just made me turn into a tomato from blushing. I'm in class!

Cal Bear: Well, you shouldn't be texting me then yeah? ;)

Me: Good boys are bad boys that haven't been caught.

Cal Bear: Get back to class "bad boy".

Me: See you later, baby.

Cal Bear: ;)

After class had ended, I met up with Calum in the hallway.

"Hi, bad boy." Calum smirked as I blushed.

"Hey," I slapped at his arm and he giggled.

"I love youuu..." Calum cooed and I buried my face in his shoulder.

"Aw, you guys are the cutest." I heard Michael fanboy. "Like this is goals right here."

"Thank you,Michael." I mumbled against Calum which caused the both of them to laugh.

"Ready for lunch then?" I pulled away from Calum and we walked to the cafeteria together. When we sat down at the table, Luke surprisingly didn't get up to leave. Calum and I both suddenly grew insecure and hid our held hands under the table.

"So, remind me again why you shoved me out of your house last night?" Luke raised an eyebrow at Michael.

"Oh please, you were bored anyway. I was doing you a favor." Luke rolled his eyes and returned to playing on his phone. "Anyway. What do you guys plan on doing today?"

"Hanging out, the usual." Calum responded casually. I looked over at Calum as he picked at his lunch. His hand slipped under the table and held mine.

"Yeah. My mum is working at the restaurant late so we have to watch my siblings."

"I think we should have another party." Luke said without looking up from his phone. I looked up from mine and Calum's hands with wide eyes while Calum choked a little on his pizza.

"We have to watch my siblings." I stated.


"Luke, stop being so annoying." Michael replied sassily to which Luke rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He got up and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"Does he not know that Calum has partied enough?" I sighed and rubbed my thumb over Calum's hand.

"I think he secretly found drunk Calum hot." Calum choked on his bite of pizza again.

"Can I finish eating my lunch or am I not allowed." Michael snorted as I lightly kicked him from under the table.

"Fine, I'm sorry man."


When we all went over to Calum's house after school, Lauren began homework while Harry begged Calum to play video games with him. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen to see if I could find anything to make for dinner.

"Ashton, could you help me with this?" Lauren asked as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I've been studying all afternoon, but I still don't know the meaning of the word......enamored."

"Where are you learning that from?"

"The romantic section in our poetry unit in English."

"Enamored means to be in love with." I stated, grabbing an apple to munch on.

"Like I am with Calum?" She asked. I choked a little on my apple.

"Lauren, he's my best mate, you know that." Lauren blushed and giggled.

"I know. But he really is cute." I slapped my palm on my face.

"Ugh, Lauren, this is something you talk about with your friends, not your older brother who's friends with him." Lauren giggled and returned to her homework as I decided on making pasta for dinner.

I went to the stove, turning on so I could boil the water for the pasta. While the water sat on the stove, I grabbed some french bread to make the garlic bread. I went back over to the counter, using a brush to brush on the pre-made spread that came with the bread. As I spread the stuff on the slices of bread, I felt arms wrap around my waist and a chin hook onto my shoulder. I leaned into the familiar warmth of Calum, closing my eyes momentarily.

"What's for dinner, Chef Irwin?" I let out a small laugh.

"Pasta and garlic bread."

"Oh, sounds yummy." Calum chuckled and kissed the top of my head before pulling away. I internally grimaced, hoping Lauren didn't see anything. Not that I'm not proud of loving Calum, because I truly am. I just don't want to hurt her feelings. "Can I help?"

"Uh, sure. If the water is boiling, you should put the pasta."

"Mkay." Calum went over the stove began working on the pasta. When I put the garlic bread in the oven, I went over to Calum and watched him as he stirred the pasta into the water. I looked at his left arm and observed how he moved it. The cuts didn't seem to bother him much any more, but they were still visible. I knew they were going to scar and my heart broke for him. When Calum turned to look at me, I pulled him into a tight embrace, burying my face into his neck.

"I love you." I whispered to him.

"Is everything okay, mate?" He asked quietly, wrapping his warm arms around me. I shrugged.

"I'm just really sorry. Please don't be sad anymore."

"I promise, baby." Calum whispered.

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