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The following morning, I woke up to find Calum still curled up into a ball. His face was in the crook of my neck as he had a fist full of my shirt. It was actually really cute. Wait a minute, did I call him cute?

Groaning, Calum stretched out of his ball and looked at me with a sleepy smile. His bed hair was curly and all over the place. He looked so cuddly.

"What time is it?" I looked over at his bedside table and saw his digital clock read 9:00.

"Nine in the morning." I replied, trying to comb out his curly hair.

"Oh. Can we have breakfast?"

"Sure. What do you want?" Calum looked at me for a moment before his face lit up.

"We have frozen waffles!" I giggled.

"Alright, let's go." I got up and Calum made grabby hands. Rolling my eyes, I turned around and let him climb onto my back for a piggy back ride.

"Onward!" I rushed down the stairs skidding into the kitchen. It was a good thing Calum's parents were at work, otherwise we would have woken them up with all the laughing.

I put Calum down in a chair at the counter and went to the freezer.

"You want regular or blueberry?" I asked. Calum giggled. "What?"

"Nothing." He covered his face with his hands and laughed some more. I didn't miss the slight blush creeping on up to his face.

"What kind of waffle?"

"Blueberry, please."

"Okay." I stuck the waffles into the toaster and sat across from him. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, really." Calum removed his hands from his face and his cheeks were coated with a light blush. The toaster popped the waffles up and I got up to put them on plates and drizzled them with syrup.


"Thank you Ashton." Calum ate at his waffles silently and I just watched him as I ate. It was hard to believe he went from panicking to being silent. What had happened to him?



"What happened to you yesterday? Usually you're good at handling stress."

"Um, just going through some things is all."

"Is that why you're hanging out with Michael more?" His eyes widened slightly.

"He's just helping. It's fine."

"But I thought I was your best friend." I pouted and poked at the waffle.

"You are!" He looked like he was going to panic again and my heart thumped against my chest. What if I was the one stressing him. But why? "P...please don't be mad at me!"

"Is it me?"

"No!" Tears began forming in his eyes and I felt like I hit a nerve.

"Oh. I'm really sorry for worrying you then." Calum choked on a sob and I went over and hugged him.

"Can we just cuddle please?" Whenever Calum was stressed or upset he and I would turn on cartoons and cuddle. He was a very cuddly person and it made me feel happier knowing he wasn't replacing me.

Calum and I abandoned our breakfast and went into his living room. I climbed onto the couch followed by him. I laid down on my side and Calum curled up, channel surfing for the cartoons. Settling on Tom and Jerry, Calum snuggled his back against me, sighing contently.

So I know this is like wicked short, but no matter what I did it never made sense or flowed with the story so this will be a sort of filler so......enjoy it!😊

Nerds in Love//CashtonWhere stories live. Discover now