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Word Count: 848

I woke up around three in the morning and slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom.  The cold hardwood floor made my warm feet numb as I stumbled to find the door knob to the bathroom in the dark.

Finally finding it, I went in and quickly shut the door so I could turn the light on. I quickly did my business and went to go wash my hands. I stared at myself in the mirror, feeling disgusted with what I saw. I shook my head, trying to will my tears away. Before I could turn around to leave, the door opened to show a tired looking Ashton standing in the door way.

"Cal? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I was just going to the bathroom."

"You look like you're about to cry."

"I'm fine."

"You left the water running." My eyes widened and I rushed to the sink to turn it off.

"I'm just tired, Ashton. Let's go back to bed."

"No. Don't keep using 'I'm tired' as an excuse. It's not working, I can tell when something is wrong."

"It's nothing, Ashton. Really."

"Really? Because I think you're lying." Ashton raised an eyebrow as a single tear fell down my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Ash." I whispered and hugged him.

We stood like that for what felt like hours. Ashton led me back to the bed, and tucked me into the covers. He climbed in behind me, and wrapped his arm around me protectively. His lips found my ear as he traced circled on my hand with his thumb.

"Everything will be okay, baby. I've got you."


The following day at school, Ashton and I sat in the library during lunch, working on our Calculus homework.

"So, you wanna hang out after school? I'm in the mood for baking cookies." Ashton stated as he punched an equation into his graphing calculator.

"Sure." I mumbled, setting my pencil down, not in the mood for doing homework.

"You okay there mate?" Ashton asked, a bit more quietly.

"Yeah. I'm just tired." I said absentmindedly.

"Stop saying that." Ashton replied in an exasperated voice.


"Hey, don't feel bad, Cal. I'm not mad, I just want you to be honest with me." Ashton reassured.

"Okay..." I looked down at the tables, wringing at my fingers.

"You trust me, don't you?" I nodded and finally met eye contact with Ashton.

"Yes. What kind of cookies do you want to make?"

"I was thinking of maybe cake batter cookies?" My stomach rumbled at the thought of baking, I couldn't wait to make them.

"Yummy!" My face lit up as Ashton giggled. I felt like I haven't heard in forever.

"Let's finish our homework so we can have more baking time."

When we arrived to Ashton's house, Lauren and Harry weren't there.

"Where are Lauren and Harry?" I asked in confusion.

"At my grandma's. She hasn't seen them in awhile so she wanted to do something special with them after school."

"Aw, that's sweet." I replied with the ghost of a smile on my face.

"Let's start baking!" Ashton clapped his hands together and began puttering around his kitchen to get the ingredients for the cookies.

Flour, sugar, cartons of eggs and cake and cookie mixes littered the counter as Ashton excitedly pulled out a mixer.

"Can I measure the flour and sugar?" I asked as Ashton opened up the bags.

"Yeah! Sure!" I grinned and took out some measuring cups to get the right amount of the dry ingredients that I needed for the recipe. When Ashton turned his back to me, I took a handful of flour and chucked it at Ashton's back. Ashton jumped, dropping a spoon on the floor, and whirled around. 

"Hey!" My hands were behind my back, holding another handful of flour to be thrown at him.

"It wasn't me." I replied with an innocent smile plastered on my face.

"How, we're home know what? Never mind." Ashton turned back around, and as soon as his back faced me I threw the flour at him.

"Ah ha!..." Ashton screamed as the flour hit him in the face. His face was a powdery white color as he stood there in shock. 

"Oh my god!" I let out a loud laugh as I comprehended what happened. I watched as Ashton scooped the flour away from his eyes and mouth.

"I'm going to get you." Ashton stated. I squealed and ran into the living room, hiding behind the couch.

"You love me!" I buried my face into my knees, and put my hands up to defend myself in case Ashton tried to attack me.

"I do." I heard him whisper in front of me. I put my hands down and looked up at him. He held a hand out to pull me up, which I gladly accepted. 

"Ash..." Ashton placed both of his hands on my cheeks and pressed his lips against mine.

"I love you...I, so, so much." Ashton murmured between each kiss. I melted into my boyfriend's body, feeling warm inside.

"I love you too." 


I know, it's been quite some time since I've updated, but I swear I'm alive. This is a slightly shorter than I'd like it to be, but when I went to go update more in the chapter, I lost like half of what I wrote. I'll write a little extra in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy!x

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