Chapter 5- Spill It

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Man I really don't want to wake up. I can feel the sun beating down on me but it doesn't last long. Something is blocking the sun, bummer. I am woken up further when I hear a growl from across the room. I can tell that my mate's scent is across the room and Marcus's scent is blocking my sun. They were easy to tell the difference. Daniel was the smell of the woods while Marcus was almost the smell of mint. Anyway I'm guessing the growl was because Marcus is standing to close to me for Daniels comfort. Over protect mate.mWithout opening my eyes I mutter against my pillow. "You know hovering over me while I'm sleeping is kinda creepy."

I can hear the smile in Marcus's voice, "How cute. You think that's gonna stop me."

With my eyes still closed I let out a light laugh, "I was hoping."

This time Marcus's voice was serious with no sign of a smile, "Well you know what I was hoping for?"

I roll over to face away from him. "What?"

"I was hoping to know why Rose asked me why didn't I want to come with you guys. To say the least I was a little confused and not to mention mad. Why the hell did you leave without me?" His voice turned from anger to hurt and it broke my heart. Oops.

When he was done I opened my eyes to see Daniel sitting in the chair by the bed but he's not the one I wanted to talk to right now. I rolled over to my original spot to see Marcus's silhouette. The morning sun was shining in brightly so I had to squint. I answered him in a whisper, "I-I didn't want to make you leave your pack."

"Wrong answer." he stated in a harsh tone that made Daniel let out a growl and me wince. "You know that wherever you are is my pack not that poor excuse for a pack we left behind. Maybe you don't remember that promise I made you when you were 13."

I looked down at my hands and mutter, "Yeah I do." He knows that I do. That day is one neither of us would forget. The day we promised we will never leave each other no matter what.

"Good." he stated before he continued, "Now tell me the real reason."

Still looking at my hands, I sat up in the bed and I spilled it. "I wanted you to be free. To be free of protecting me from everything. Meaning Jay and the beatings." Marcus was about to speaking again before I gave him a look that said I wasn't finished yet. "It is not your job to look after me. I am the reason for everything that has gone bad. I-I am a h-horrible p-person." I stutter as the tears fill my eyes. I jumped when I feel someone grab my hand and stroke the back of it but when I turned and saw through the tears that it was Daniel, I relaxed, leaning into him and trying to hide myself. His dark green eyes were full of concern as he look at my shaking self. I'm glad he cares.

My attention is returned to Marcus when I felt him take my other hand and he bent down to kiss my forehead. That made Daniel tense up and I heard him growl. "Mine." He growled under his breath. He is so protective but I understand why. Marcus got my attention back when he spoke with a soothingly voice. "You are never to blame for this. And you're is my job to look after you and I shall do it till the day I die. I would defend you with everything I have because you are not a horrible person." He was stressing the not. After he told me that he started to walk to the door.

My heart started to race. Where was he going? Why was he just leaving me? Was he coming back? "Marcus where are you going?" I said with tears rolling down my face.

He didn't turn to look at me but just called over his shoulder "I'm gonna take the kids out for breakfast. Oh-" he said as he snapped his fingers and turned to look at me with his golden brown eyes. "you might wanna explain what has happen to you to your mate because right now he is confused as hell and I don't need to read his emotions or read his mind to figure that out." he told me before he left the room. I turn my gaze to Daniel. He was still comforting me and I would be lying if I said I didn't want it. The soothing strokes he sent up and down my back sent waves of shock through my body but I feel safe with him. I looked through my eyelashes to see his confused face staring back at me. Crap Marcus was right. I need to explain this to him now.

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