Chapter 21- Fights Pics and Sorrys

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Oh no! I quickly though off my blanket and made a mad dash to the bathroom. I am really starting to hate mornings. I have to remember to ask Jenny how long this morning sickness thing last because it really sucks. Leaning over I disposed of what was left in my stomach.

I jumped when I felt someone start rubbing my back. I knew it wasn't Daniel because there were no sparks. I wanted to see who it is but I'm a little busy now. "Oh Lils that is so gross." the voice said behind me and now I know it's Caleb. Damn it. I should have told him a time so he did have to see this.

He got up once to grab me a glass of water and placed it by my side. Carefully he pulled my hair out of the way and put it in a ponytail and then started rubbing my back again repeating that it's okay.

When I was done I took the glass of water and swished out my mouth. I flushed and leaned my head against the cold counter trying to control my breathing. I almost forgot Caleb was there until he spoke. "You okay Lils?" He asked.

I opened my eyes to see a blurry Caleb kneeling in front of me. With the cuffs of Daniel's shirt, I happened to be wearing, I brushed away my warm tears. I hate puking so much it makes me choke up a little. It's just scary. "I'm fine." I whispered.

"No your not. Come on." He reached his hand out for me and I took it as he hauled me up. Woah head rush. I slumped down but Caleb quickly caught me and pulled me up so he was carrying me. He carried me back to my bed and laid me down. Sitting on the edge of the bed he gave me a worried glance. "Are you really okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah I just haven't been feeling well for the last couple of days."

"But you seemed fine yesterday." he pointed out.

"No worries. It's mainly in the mornings and then it passes."

As soon as I said that Caleb's green eye's go wide I know I've said too much. "Lily," I already know what he is going to say. Slowly he finished his sentence, "Are you pregnant?"

"I'm not pregnant." I said a little too fast.

A spark lit in his eyes and he walked into the bathroom. I could hear him going through the trash. I pulled the blankets over my head and waited. It didn't take long before I heard. "Really Lily? You're not pregnant? I think this stick says different. Wait... did you pee on this." He said with disgust and I heard the stick hit the floor. I could help but giggle. Caleb jumped on the bed next to me and tried pulling the blankets off of me. I just clung on for dear life and buried deeper. "C'mon Lils. Why won't you come out?"

"Because I'm sick of people giving me the 5th degree on everything." I whined.

"I won't torment you about it but I still want to know. It's just up to you whether or not you tell me." he said sweetly.

I need to tell someone I guess or I'll explode. Pulling the blankets off my head, I gave him a skeptical look. "Do I need to used my Luna voice to make you keep a secret?"

He gave me a serious look. "I wouldn't tell Lily."

"Ok I believe you. So yes I am pregnant and no I'm not going to tell Daniel. He doesn't know because he's so caught up in work he's never here to see me sick. I only found out yesterday but I did have my suspicions. I'm not telling Daniel because he has enough to worry about with the war and all. And please, please, please don't tell anyone else because I'm afraid Daniel is going to find out." I begged.

"Lils I don't know much about this whole mating thing but I'm pretty sure that mates can't get pregnant the first time they do it. It's one of those savor the moment things."

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