Chapter 29-It's Time

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I don't want to be dreaming. Please don't be dreaming. Man if I was dreaming maybe I should just keep my eyes closed. Daniel waking up has to be a dream. Right?

My hand reached forward and nothing was there, Daniel wasn't there but I could still smell his scent. My eyes flew open and at first all I could think of was where's Daniel and then my next thought was how did I get here, in mine and Daniel's room. Slowly I pushed aside the silky blue blankets and looked around the room trying to remember how I got here but there was nothing. I thought I went to bed with Daniel but I'm not sure if that was a dream or not.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the shower in the bathroom and music playing softly in the background. It was country and I know of someone who listens to that kind of music besides me. Quietly I stepped out of bed, across the soft floor and tip toed to the bathroom. Opening the door I stepped inside and shut it behind me but he didn't hear anything and I know this because he started singing along to his ipod he had plugged in. He was singing crazy girl by Eli Young Band and I had to cover my mouth so he didn't hear me laughing at how off key he was.

I must have sat there on the counter for maybe 10 minutes while he showered just humming the soungs to myself. I just sat there in Daniels shirt with my legs hanging over and my head leaning against the cabinet waiting. He didn't know I was in here and I didn't feel like telling him. I just want to enjoy the moment of feeling normal and safe like nothing bad had ever happened.

The click of the fauset and the lack of drumming told me that the water was shut off. Daniel stepped out not looking at me and went for the towels he has hanging along the wall. I loved that he didn't notice me because I had full view of him and I was blushing like crazy thinking as badly as I am. Lets just say next time I promise to use protection. I tried to get the blush to flow away before I spoke quietly. "You've never sang in front of me before."

He froze and the muscles in his back tensed at the unexpected voice but as soon as it registered that it was me his back slacked and his muscles were smooth again. He turned around with his towel in hand flashing me which made the blush I tried to hide come back full force. Daniel just chuckled and covered up his exposer before he strode over to me and took my face in his hands. Without a second thought or a glitch of hesitation he kissed me. A kiss that was slow but hungry, that expressed longing and desire, that said he loved me and without a doubt I was happy to kiss him back with just as much passion.

Daniel pulled back first to breath and when straight to my mark and kissed it making shivers run theough me before he rested his head against mine. I realized looking at him this closely his nice little shadow of a beard that he got from not shaving for awhile. "I didn't know I had an audience." he rumbled huskily.

I watched his eyes morf from back and forth from black and green. I missed his eyes, hell I missed him. I leaned in and peck his lips before I hugged him around his neck. "I missed you so much."

He buried his face in my hair and took in a deep breath smelling my scent. "I missed you too Angel."

"Don't do that again." I murmured as I laid my head against his burning hot skin but the heat was numbed by the sparks.

"It was just a week." he answered as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

Just a week! Ha! "Okay, imagine me hurt and not waking up for a week even though I was healed."

"Fair point." I knew that would work.

I pulled out of embrace so I could look him in the eyes begging for an answer. "Why didn't you wake up?"

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