Chapter 23- One More Day

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I woke up to dawns light shining into the tree house and from the looks of it the sun was just starting to come up. Daniel was still fast asleep nuzzled in my neck. I shivered from his warm breath on my neck. I don't even understand how comfortable I am right now on this small couch. I know that we need to be getting back to the pack house which means I need to wake Daniel. I scanned his face and came up with a plan. Softly I started tracing my nails along his neck causing him to shiver which did the trick. He groan and slowly his green eyes open. "Morning Angel."

I gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, fully waking him up. "Good morning." I smiled.

"Does that mean I'm off probation?" he asked like a little kid asking for candy.


"Good. It was about time."

"Shut up." I laughed.

"Shutting up." He adjusted so he was straddling me and then bent down to kiss me. He licked my lip for entrance and I complied immediately.

I broke away from the kiss first. "I love you Daniel but we do need to go back." Today is full of training and strategies because tomorrow is the day we meet Jay.

"I know." he sighed before he rolled off of me.

We decided to run in wolf form on the way back. We left our clothes at the treehouse and started our run back. The way back didn't seem nearly as long as the way here did and running in wolf form made it easier to maneuver the rocky terrain. By the time we got back everyone was out waiting for us to train. Marcus opened the house door for us and Daniel and I made our way in wolf form up to our room. When we got dress we walked down stairs and to the balcony.

Stepping forward with Daniel, I looked over the ledge and the huge pack but I'm not nervous like I was when I was first brought into the pack. Now it's more or like a responsibility to protect these people in front of me. Daniel raised his hand in the air cutting off any chatter from the pack. "We all know what tomorrow is. Today's training will be the last one. I expect all the men capable of fighting to be at the clearing with us tomorrow but as for the women, I wish for you to stay back."

Immediately the chatter started up again and a lot of it was in protest. "Silence." Daniel command and again everyone listened. "I know a lot of the females want to go with their mates and I will not stop them but let me remind you that will be another thing for the men to worry about while fighting. It's an added distraction but it's understandable if you still wish to go since Lily will also be by my side."

I took another step forward and all eyes shifted to be. I cleared my throat, "But not all of us can go tomorrow." I stopped talking out of amazement my voice sounds totally different. It rings with power as I talk. "Tomorrow all pregnant women and children will be staying in the pack house guarded by some of our best fighters." Murmurs started and now it was my turn to silence them. "Quiet." I barely said and everyone went silent. "We all now our children are our future and they are the ones we need to look after first."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Suddenly I remembered something I wanted to say, "Also tomorrow if all goes well there will be no fighting but if things do go wrong wait for a command to attack."

Heads dropped in submission. "Good now that we are all in agreement I want all new shifters to go and train with Mikel and Marcus, the advanced fighters will be training with Lily, Chris and I, lastly the rest of you will train with Cole, Caleb and Ash." As soon as Daniel gave the orders people began to split up.

Daniel grabbed my hand and began leading me down the balcony. I could here Ash in the background giving orders on where the groups were going. My group stayed in the backyard. There weren't a lot in my group but I knew not a lot of the pack was trained as well as the best fighters. Daniel pushed me in front of the group and went to stand beside the rest of the group and Chris. I clapped my hands getting everyone's attention. "Ok up until now we had done a lot of offensive and defensive training in our human form so now I want to do it in wolf form. I want you to fight like a real fight but there are rules. No biting harder then nips, no intent on scratching, and of course no kill shots. I'd rather none of you get seriously hurt before tomorrow so any wounds must be able to heal by later tonight."

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