Chapter 9- Mornings

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I looked over at the clock on the nightstand. 6:04. Way too early but I really need a drink of water or juice or something. My throat feels like sandpaper and I am having a hard time swallowing. I carefully lifted Daniel's protective arms off me. The first time I tried to do this he held me tighter. It was like trying too escape the grip of a snake where if you struggled it just get tighter. So this time I put a pillow in my place and that seemed to work well enough that he didn't wake up. I tip toed out of the room and shut the door with a click behind me.

As I walked down the hall I peeked my head into each of the kid's room to find them fast asleep. Seeing them like that put my mind at ease. I glad they like it here because I could hardly disagree. Daniel has been so good to us.

I was lost in my train of thought when I walked into the kitchen. The huge house seemed so empty when no one was up yet. Turning on my werewolf hearing I could her the light breathing of about 25 people. Being the pack house I understood the only people who lived her were the Alpha and Beta family members. I grabbed a glass from the drainer and headed to the sink. I was cut short when someone bumped into me sending me flying toward the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Ouch." I cried out as I hit the corner of the island on my lower back. That was going to bruise. I was about to yell at who ever did this because they didn't even say sorry but I decided to hold my tongue when I heard the retching in the sink. I couldn't see a thing in the kitchen with all the lights off and the moon was hiding behind clouds from last nights rain. Even with the crappy lighting the puking in the sink gave away who my visitor was.

I walked over to Jenny and pulled her soft brown hair into a pony tail and rubbed her back. "It's ok Jenny, shh it's ok." I cooed. Eventually she stopped and it was replace by light crying.

When she finally pulled away from the sink I gave her my water and she took it and swished her mouth out. After she finish she wiped her tears from her frackled face. "How did you know it was me? I can hardly see you but your voice gave you away."

"The puking gave you away." I simply stated. That and I have really good observation skills even for a werewolf. I could see her straight hair reaching down to her waist and her height also helped me determine who she was. Right now I can see her bright eyes staring at the floor.

"Yeah I must have gotten the stomach flu." she said feebly and then she walked to sit on a stool on the opposite side off the island.

I leaned on the island opposite of her and let out a little laugh. "Liar." I pointed out.

She put her forehead onto the cold marble countertop. "Now why would I lie about having the flu. You saw me puck didn't you." She moaned.

"Cause you're pregnant." I said without a shred of doubt in my voice.

Her head shot up to glare at me "No I am not!"

"Why do you lie to me Jenny?" I asked rather curiously. I have done nothing wrong to her but she lies to me when I have already discovered the truth.

She let out a sigh and her face calmed. "I don't know." Now as my eyes were adjusting to the dark I saw her face twist in curiosity "How'd you know?"

I gave her a little shrug of my shoulders. "Would you believe me if I told you my sense of observation is higher than the average wolf."

"I think I'd need more proof." I understood that . Then her eyes went wide and she sat up straighter "You didn't tell Daniel did you?"

"No I wouldn't do that."

"Why not?" she asked as she played with the cuff of her large pajama shirt which I could only assume was Cole's.

"Not my secret to tell." She looked up to me and I knew what she was about to ask next "I know it's a secret. I could tell how it never got brought up when I met you and when you would touch your stomach every once in a while, Cole never took a second glance so I assume he doesn't know either."

Jenny looked at me in complete awe with her mouth hanging open. "I believe you." She stuttered out in shock. "I'm sorry I lied but being 17 and pregnant isn't something I had planned."

I let out a chuckle "I don't know about you but I think we should head back to bed before one of the boys gets worried."

We both started heading back to our rooms when Jenny spun to face my "How old are you." she blurted "I mean not to be rude but you seem really wise and understanding and-"

She cut off as we heard thunderous footsteps coming down the stairs in front of us. Jenny quickly jumped out of the way but I was too slow and someone clipped me hard. I hit the wall from the impact and slowly slid down. "Sorry..." an all too familiar voice said as he continued running toward the kitchen.

I put my hands up to grip my now pounding head, "Ow. Can't I ever catch a break?" I moaned. First Jenny rams me into the counted now Daniel pushed me into the wall cause me to have a headache.

Once he heard my complaint he stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me. "Shit!" he said and he scrambled down in front of me. "I am so sorry Angel. I woke up and you weren't there and I flipped out. What were you doing down here anyway?" What an overprotective mate but I have to admit I liked how much he cared.

I opened my eyes and saw Jenny already to the top of the stairs then I turned to Daniel's concern face. "I was thirsty." I murmured. Ow my head is killing me. I squeezed my eyes closed again and held my arms out. With my eyes still closed I said "Now can we please go back to sleep."

He chuckled and picked me up like a child "Yes we can." I wrapped my legs around his waist and nuzzled my head in his neck. His touch immediately settled my headache and I felt really tired. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

Without thinking I responded "No worries I'm used to it." That got a loud growl out of him but I was out before I could apologize.


I tried to nuzzle into Lily but something was off. My eyes snapped open and I found that I was hugging a pillow. I sat up at lightening speed and found the room empty. I peered over the bed to the clock. 6:17. Way too early for her to be up. "Lily?" I called out but got no answer. Panic mode kicked in and my wolf was whimpering for his mate. Where is she? I jumped out of bed and headed to the door. I started a quick jog down the hall and even checked in each of the kid's room but she wasn't in either one of them. I took off down the stairs and fast as I could.

I ended up knocking into someone at the bottom of the stair but I was in too big of a haze to take a second look. I said a quick apology but continued to the kitchen. She has to be close, her smell is overwhelming. "Ow. Can't I ever catch a break." I heard Lily moan but she wasn't in the kitchen, she was behind me. I stopped and turned to find Lily sitting against the wall clutching her head. "Shit!" I swore once I realized why she was clutching her head. I rammed into her and she may be strong but I am still huge compared to her. I rushed over and knelt in front of her. "I am so sorry Angel. I woke up and you weren't there and I flipped out. What were you doing down here anyway?"

I saw her blue eyes peer out toward the top of the stairs and I stole a glance to where she was looking. I just caught Jenny rounding the corner at the top of the stair. What was her problem? Lately she have been avoiding a lot of us and seems whenever she is near us she is lost in space. I am going to find out what she is up to. "I was thirsty." I turned back to Lily and realized she has just spoken. Then her eyes snapped shut and she winced in pain. I saw her arms stretched out toward me and at first I thought she wanted a hug but was soon answered "Now can we please go to sleep."

Now I understood she wanted me to carry her. I picked her up like I would a child and she nuzzled her face in my neck and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. "Yes we can." I replied. I felt her body relax and my wolf finally settled with in me. "I am sorry I hurt you."

She was on the verge of sleep and said "No worries I'm used to it." I let out a growl. I hate that she has been hurt so badly before. I was about to reprimand her but I felt her breath even out on my neck and her body go limp so I knew she has fallen asleep.I took her to our room and laid her gently on the bed. I moved in next to her and she automatically wrapped herself around me. I was now awake and no way I would be sleeping anytime soon so I laid there with her till she woke up.

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