Chapter 8- Friends

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Cole and Caleb>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


When Daniel finally convinced me to stop hiding in his chest I turned around to find myself surrounded by a lot of strange faces staring at me waiting. This is not helping with my nerves. I turn back around to hide in Daniels big arms but Daniel grabbed my shoulders and turned me so I faced the people grouped near by. He strung his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest then laughed "No you don't Angel." Crap I should have known better then to try to hide.

I took a better look at each of them and saw the same green eyes and black haired people staring at me. I looked from Daniel to the people then back to the faces. They had to be siblings. "Are you guys siblings?" I had to ask even though I guessed it already.

"Yes we are." Daniel answered me. He pointed to a girl to my left. "This is Missy my older sister and her mate Chris." She was tall and had a body any girl would die to have with pale green eyes and big black curls. Behind her Chris was a little taller but still shorter than Daniel. He had light brown hair and eyes to match. I just nodded my greetings at them and was returned with smiles. Next he pointed to 2 boys that had to be twins. They both had short cut black hair and green eyes. The only difference I could tell was one had a large freckle at the corner of his left eye. "These are the twins Caleb and Cole." As he pointed them out I made a mental note that Caleb is the one with the freckles.

They both grabbed me in a huge bear hugl "Hey sis." They both said together. I laughed and got out a hi.

Finally when they let go I only got a breath out before I was pulled into another embrace. "Vicki let her go." I heard Daniel say with a laugh.

The girl pulled back and said in a super bubbly voice "Hi I'm Victoria but please call me Vicki." She was a cute girl around 15 maybe. Her hair was pin straight that fell down below her elbows with bright green eyes just like Daniels. Her beaming smile was huge. I could help but to smile along with her.

"Ok Vic let her breath." Daniel told his sister in a mocking warning tone. Vicki's only response was to scowl at him but she took a step back.

I let out a light laugh as Daniel wrapped me in his arms once again. I leaned against his chest and patted his arm. "It's fine I need to know everyone any way if I'm going to be Luna." I told him even though to tell the true I was nervous of everyones judgment. Jay alway beat me down saying people could never like me and I actually am starting to believe it. Speaking of family I spotted Marcus talking with the kids not to far away. He caught me looking and I waved him over. "Well since I met you guys, you can meet my family." I waved my hand over the kids and Marcus. "This is my little sister Rosie and little brother Mikel and my best friend Marcus." Then I went through introducing Daniels family and was impressed with myself when I could remember everyone's name.

When I introduced Vicki last Marcus's smile dropped and so did Vicki's. She went quiet for the first time and everyone followed as we stared at the 2 who never broke eye contact. The quietness was eery and I finally couldn't take it anymore. "Marcus what's going on?"

I felt Daniel's hot breath in my ear. "They are mates." What?! Marcus has a mate. Well I'm not stupid I know everyone has a mate but Marcus! He finally found her.... and she was Daniel's little sister! Oh crap. I looked up to Daniel's face expecting to find him upset at Marcus but surprisingly found it calm. He looked down into my eyes. "Why are you staring at me in shock. I mean I know I'm hot but you have all the time in the world to stare at me for that." He said mockingly.

I just ignored his comment. "Your cool with Marcus being your little sisters mate?"

He just shrugged his shoulders "Yeah I think so. I mean to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of him but I've seen the way he treats you and your not even his mate."

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