Chapter 6- Playing Cards

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I woke up once again to the morning sun but I wasn't on my pillow like usual. I am lying on something much more hard but yet really comfy at the same time. My eyes flutter open and I see skin and black hair in my sights. I lifted my eyes up to see Daniel still asleep with a light snore. I must have fallen asleep on his shoulder last night. I could feel the warm tingles starting to spread through my body from laying on him but as much as the tingles excited me, I am bored.

Time to mess with the alpha. Slowly I pick my head up and start giving him butterfly kisses from his collar bone up to his jaw line just below the ear. I dont know where this new found bravery comes from but I hear him let out a low groan and I like it. He let out another moan as I got closer to his lips and I shiver in excitment from the sexiness of it. Then he said with his eye still closed, "You are killing me." However that didn't stop me as I continue my path till I kissed him on the lips. Then his green eyes flew open and the next thing I know he has rolled us over so he was on top now. He was careful not to put all his weight on me but I was hardly concerned about that. My view right now was just amazing. Daniel was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts which means I had a perfect view of his open chest. I had guessed right when I gazed upon his pecks and his 8 pack. Oh my god this was absolutely mouth watering. I started taking my nails across his chest and he then got to work placing his own open mouth kisses trailing down my neck. Both of us let out groans of pleasure.

I giggled as he did this, "Good morning to you too." Then I let out a gasp. The kisses burned my neck but then the next second turned to ice. I have never felt this before but it didn't compare to the love bite he left where my neck meets my shoulder. That area made my body shiver. Then he pulled away and I let a whimper escape my lips. I knew this seems a little fast for me but right now I can't help but to love how he treats me.

He just chuckled. "Morning Angel." he said before giving me a soft kiss on the lips. When he pulled away I was sad. He seemed to pick up on my mood. "If I go much further Angel I'm afraid I might claim you. I don't want that till you do."

I let out a sigh. He was right I'm not ready. I looked him in the eyes before I said, "I'm sorry."

He just stared at me baffled. "For what?"

I dropped my gaze and focused on his bare chest. "For crying last night."

That made him sit up and he pulled me into his lap. Surprisingly I didn't refuse his hold. I felt safe in his arms and he liked to hold me and move me around so be it as long as I'm ok. He gripped my chin and made me turn to look into his eyes. For a second I got lost in the green before his voice pulled me back to life. "I never want you to apologize for something like that. Understand Angel?"

I just nodded my head. Then it dawned on me, "Angel?"

He smiled down at me. Damn just like his eyes I could get lost in that forever. "Yeah it's my name for you. I was lucky enough to get an angel as my mate." That made heat raise to my face and I am sure it is now bright red. His smile got bigger and all he said was "Adorable." Then he kissed my forehead in a loving manner.

We sat there for what felt like hours but I guessed it was only a couple of minutes. I finally pulled away to look up at him, "What are we doing today?"

He smiled and said, "Well I was hoping you could teach me how you are so good at cards."

That made me laugh out loud. "Are you sure? You're not the first I've tried to teach." It's the truth. Mikey and Marcus are now lost causes. There is now way on God's green earth they will ever pick up on cards like Rosie and I.

His face turned into a fake serious. "Try me." I let out another laugh. Then I jumped out of his lap and went to the closet. I heard him growl. "Where are you going."

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