Chapter 10- Bring it on Boys

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The creek was really fun. I wished we could have stayed longer but I don't think Daniel liked that I was in a 2 piece either. No that he didn't like it. Trust me I could feel his eyes boring into me the entire time. What he didn't like was that I was unmated with unmated males around that were also looking my way when they thought Daniel wasn't looking.

"Must I play football?" I whined as Daniel dragged me behind him.

"Why is it such a big deal to you?" he asked with a huge smile.

"Where do I start? How about I'm uncoordinated, clumsy, and I just suck at sports." Ok so that is mostly true. I just don't like playing sports. People staring at me isn't something I really like or like at all for that matter.

"Would it make you feel better if you were on my team?"

"Yes but it's your loss." I stated. We walked up to field where all the others were waiting for us. There was a group of people who were either my opponents or team mates. All the others were sitting on the hill waiting for the game to start. I went to stand with the group while Daniel went to stand in front by Ash. The did a quick rock paper scissors and I knew Ash won because he started jumping up and down yelling champion.

Ash let out another shout of joy before he went over the rules "Ok you guys know the drill. There is no shifting.... and yeah that's about it. Now since I won I get to pick first." Ash did a roam over the crowd rubbing his hands together scanning for his first pick. "Lily!" he called out first.

Daniel jaw dropped and I'm sure I matched him. Why would Ash pick me? I crossed my arms over my chest and put on a face as I went to Ash's side. His smile was huge and then I knew why he picked me. It's because I would be against Daniel. Clever but I still am not happy.

After I was pick the boys kept going back and forth picking the strongest they could find. When they were done Daniel came over to me "Sorry Angel."

I smiled "No worries maybe next time."

I could here Ash calling to me "Hey no interfering with the enemy."

I turned around to see a wide grin plastered on Ash's face. I stuck my tongue out at him than I gave a look to Daniel as if to say what can you do? I started to walk over to my team when I heard Daniel say, "Don't be to upset when you lose Angel."

Instead of answering I just flipped him off and kept on walking. When I reach my team we all huddled together and Ash started listed off play and all I could do was stare at him. I have no idea on plays. I know basics get a touch down and thats about it. I am not afraid to say that sports are not my thing and I doubt they ever will be. As soon as Ash listed them off I took the chance "Um Ash I don't understand."

He raised his eyebrow at me "Which part?"

"All of it. I'm not good at sports which you could have spared yourself if you let me be on Daniel's team." I said with a duh tone.

"Well no time to explain it now so all I need you to do is distract your mate, ok?" he simply said.

"I can do that." I replied. Then Ash broke the huddle and we all lined up into our positions. Since Ash got first pick Daniel's team gets the ball first and I was not at all surprised that Daniel and Ash were each the quarterbacks.

Daniel's lined up in front of us and I heard Daniel call out the play then yelled hut. I saw him turn his body like he was going to throw the ball the other way but his legs were turned my way so I knew he was going to fake. I also saw a boy who was one of the twins but from this angle I couldn't tell which one was about 10 feet from me wide open preparing to catch the ball. I took off in a mad dash toward I believe is Cole. I used all my werewolf strength to run toward the ball and just before I made it I saw Daniel's older sister Missy head toward me trying to tackle me so as soon as she jumped for me I made a giant leap and she flew under me. Mid air I am now directly in front of the twin which I now realize by the freckle on his eye is Caleb. The ball is heading straight for him and he would have caught it if I hadn't jumped and snatched it out of the air.

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