❁Author's Notes❁

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Author's note lmao

You do not need to read Poems to understand the plot of this book but it will contain spoilers.

Okay so, in Poems, obviously, Lily and James are together, but this book has taken away that, and is an oc x James fic lmao, I really like the idea of the plot it's kind of like a 'coming of ages' type book and I'm excited!!

Also, once again, this book will contain a whole lot of Poems spoilers so if you haven't read it (and wish to) then please stop here, turn back and go read Poems first!

A few things

The obvious 1. James and Lily are not together (I don't want to spoil Poems if u haven't read It, but their relationship/how they got together does not happen!)

2. In no way would I ever make Lily out to be a bad person, evil, bitch because I don't agree that putting girls against each other just for a boy is a good idea and I just won't do it.

3. James goes to stay with the Hopkins over Christmas in his fifth year (in poems) but that doesn't in this book and it'll be shown why nearer the time

4. this book will be set just after summer going into their fifth year, and Adria and Sirius' relationship will be the exact same, as well as all other characters, and plot lines from Poems except James and Lily's.

Okay that is all, I just wanted to clear a few things up!

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