❁Chapter 13❁

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Chapter 13

"Did you know," Nora whispered, popping a chocoballs into her mouth as she sat at the back of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class with Aubrey beside her, "that some weird guy put a curse on this class."

"No way," Aubrey shook her head, scoffing as she reached for the bag of chocoballs that Nora had placed on the table.

"I'm serious," she nodded, her voice as quiet as possible as she eyed the professor at the front of the class, talking about O.W.L revision. It wasn't as though Nora chose not to pay attention, well, technically, she did, but in a way, but if one more teacher told her how much she needed to study, then she'd throw them off the astronomy tower.

Class had just started moments ago, which didn't make it much of a surprise when a frantic Remus Lupin burst through the class, furiously muttering, "sorry, sorry, I'm late!" whilst looking for a seat he could sit at.

"Remus!" Nora spoke, trying her best not to disrupt the lesson more than he had, and soon did he turn to her, watching her pat the empty seat beside her, and watching as his shoulders slumped in relief, throwing her a grateful smile as he fell onto the seat beside her.

"James thought it would be a good idea to go back to the dormitory," Remus grumbled, "I bet everyone thinks his hair is just naturally messy, I bet, but no, the bloody twat carries about a comb, it's a look, he says, more like a failure."

Nora couldn't help but giggle, clasping her hand over her mouth at the thought of James Potter carrying about a comb in a best attempt to perfect the messy look, she had to rest her head on the desk solely for the fact that the image just kept popping into her head.

"Obviously, I had to get dragged along with him," Remus grumbled, "he's away skipping class now, said something about going to the forest for something, bloody idiot, who goes to the forest in winter?!"

"He better not be stealing my chocolate milk," Nora grumbled under her breath, too low for Remus to hear, and soon she turned to him with an amused smile plastered on her lips, shaking her head with a laugh, she spoke, "he's an idiot."

"That reminds me," Remus spoke, pointing at her with the pen in his hand, an efficient replacement for a quill, Nora thought, "what's going on with you two?"

"With who two?" asked Nora, her head titled to the side as her eyebrows furrowed together, wondering what on earth Remus was talking about.

"Oh please, don't act all oblivious, Nora," Remus smirked, quickly writing down some of the notes from the chalkboard that the levitating piece of chalk had wrote, "you and James."

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about," Nora sang quietly, giggling when Remus turned to glare at her, nudging her ever so slightly as the smirk merely widened.

"Do you fancy-"

"Miss Robinson, Mr Lupin, I assume you have something you wish to share with the class if you are so set on disrupting it with your conversation?" the professor asked, giving the two a pointed look, Remus was going to answer with a polite apology, as any good Prefect would, when Nora bet him to it.

"Oh sorry, Professor!" Nora grinned, ignoring the students that had turned to stare at her, "Remus here was just asking me if I fancied James Potter."

Remus ducked his head to stop the smirk from shining through, hearing giggles erupt from students around them, he wondered why Nora wasn't dying of embarrassment.

"Well, Miss Robinson, do you?" asked the teacher, her eyebrow raised as she looked at the bright Hufflepuff.

Nora's grin widened as she clasped her hands together, shrugging ever so slightly, she spoke, "No comment, professor."

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