❁Chapter 29❁

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Chapter 29

"I get out tomorrow," Nora whispered, her head on James' chest as her finger tips traced over his skin, a content sigh falling from her lips as she lay there. Aubrey had left no longer than ten minutes ago, and soon after did James appear again, claiming that he definitely was not waiting outside of the hospital wing.

But of course, he was.

"Thank merlin, I miss you," James mumbled, guiding her head to look at him, seeing the small smile resting on her lips did he lean down to kiss them, "I love your lips."

"My lips love you," Nora grinned, "also, Mr Potter, I have seen you every single day, how could you possible miss me?"

"You know how when Remus came to visit?" James spoke, pressing his lips to her ear softly, he liked to kiss her, whether it be her lips or any part of her body, he just liked to feel his lips on her, and his arms around her tightly, he liked to know that she was there, that she was real, not an angel to look over him, but a real life human being, that she was Nora, his Nora.

"I recall," Nora giggled, squirming slightly as his lips tickled her neck, turning suddenly to face him with a joking glare, "James Potter, stop that!"

"You really want me to?" he asked, his head titled as he looked around the hospital wing, they were the only ones there, Madam Pomfrey had left to retrieve something moments ago and no students had come in.

He smirked down at her, brushing his lips over her jaw softly, trailing down her neck with slightly more force, his smirk widening when she moaned, "James."

"I could get used to you moaning my name," James whispered in her ear, laughing loudly when she pushed him away.

"You arse," she huffed, glaring at him and pushing herself down to the bottom of the bed, crossing her legs in a basket, "that's just unfair."

"You could always return the favour," he shrugged, wiggling his eyebrows with a cheeky smile sent her way as she scoffed, "oh Nora!"

"I hate you so much," she grumbled, her eyes narrowed as she kicked him - gently - with her foot, "if you looked arse up in the dictionary, a picture of your face would appear."

"If you looked incredibly gorgeous up in the dictionary then your face would appear," James winked, watching her roll her eyes with a soft laugh.

"You're a headcase."

"You're still gorgeous."

"You're going to be the death of me, James Potter," she whispered, a sigh escaping her lips as she pushed herself up, finally situating herself on his lap, "if I wanted you to moan my name then you would."

"Oh, would I?" he asked, his head titled as he smirked at her, "prove it."

"Fine, I will."

She moved so that she was straddling his legs, running a hand softly through his hair and soon did she meet his lips softly, gently, slightly biting his lip so that they would part and soon did her tongue slip into his mouth. She pulled away suddenly, when his hands found her waist did she break their kiss, an innocent look in her eyes when he opened his mouth to protest.

She pressed her lips to the corner of his, brushing ever so slightly down his jaw with slightly more force than before, and soon was her lips attached to his neck, biting, sucking and kissing the specific spot, and when he moaned, "oh merlin, Nora," did her smirk widen and her head move to grin at him.

"Did I prove it?" she asked, a cheeky smile placed on her lips as the laugh fell from his, and soon, did he nod.

"Fine, you proved it," he huffed, his hand finding her cheek, softly sweeping his thumb over her cheekbone whilst she gripped his hand, "but I can make you moan louder."

The Breakup Plan •James Potter• |editing|Where stories live. Discover now