❁Chapter 6❁

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Chapter 6

"You're a little overdressed," James commented as he stuck his hands into the pockets of his coat, watching Nora approach him with a frown on her lips and her eyebrows furrowed.

"No, I'm wearing a dress," she scoffed, looking down at the dress that flowed to just above her knees, "a casual dress."

"Well, I'm taking it as you making an effort," he shrugged, a smirk on his lips as she rolled her eyes, rather annoyed with herself that she thought she wouldn't need a coat, "you're going to be freezing."

"Very observant," she tutted, pushing past him and on her way through the courtyard, "maybe you're just underdressed."

"I am definitely not underdressed!" he exclaimed, jogging ever so slightly in a best attempt to catch up with her, "I'm just dressed."

"Thank merlin," she responded casually, throwing him a look as she watched the wide smirk fall onto his lips, "now, have you got the list?"

"What lis- oh, yes!" he nodded, fishing out the note from his pocket and handing it to her, "dungbombs are a must when we don't have a plan and just see them."

"Very true," Nora agreed, handing him back the parchment so that she could pull the sleeves over her hands, seeing as the cold air was approaching, and It seemed as though today was the perfect day for the nippy weather to engulf Hogwarts, as well as Hogsmeade.

"You're cold, aren't you?" James asked, trying his best to keep the amused smirk off of his lips as he watched her lips chattering ever so slightly, her nose had turned pink, and her cheeks had flushed red as the cold weather blew right through her, and even though she had the long sleeves of the dress and the tights clad on her legs, she was still freezing.

"What? No!" Nora shook her head, definitely not wanting to give James the satisfaction that he wanted, "I'm perfectly fine!"

"Mhmm, you look it," James scoffed, watching her head snap back to the trail they were on, and soon after was the coat he wore now around her shoulders.

"Wha- James!" she exclaimed, ignoring the warmth that spread through her body as she turned to him, "what'd you do that for?!"

"Because you are clearly cold, and I have a jumper," he scoffed, gesturing to the jumper he had on, and soon was he guiding her hands through the sleeves when she wasn't doing it herself, "bask in the new-found warmth, Nora!"

"I was perfectly fine without it," she grumbled, shaking her head and watching the amused smirk fall onto his lips.

"Okay, then give me it back-"

"No!" she cut him off, shaking her head, "I'll just hold onto it for a bit, if its alright?"

"Perfectly fine," he chuckled, watching her wrap the coat around her tighter to keep in the warmth, "suits you," he shrugs, pushing himself down the trail in front of her, completely oblivious to her flushed cheeks that definitely weren't because of the cold.

Caden, remember Caden! She thought, grumbling under her breath that James Potter was nothing but insufferable as she jogged ever so slightly to catch up with him, "you walk too fast!"

"You walk too slow," he chuckled, shoving his hands into the pockets of the jeans he wore.

"No, I have little legs, I can't walk any faster!" she exclaimed, shaking her head with a pout, "it's just unfair."

"Hey, it's not my fault that you're a dwarf," he protested, "any more of your whining and I'll just carry you."

"That doesn't sound too bad, beats walking," she shrugged, watching him turn to her with a glare only did it narrow when she matched it with a grin.

The Breakup Plan •James Potter• |editing|Where stories live. Discover now