❁Chapter 14❁

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Chapter 14

"I hate studying, I really do," Nora tutted, shaking her head as she tapped the pen on the parchment in front of her, shaking her head as she done so. O.W.Ls weren't until next year, but Nora thought it wise to study as much as she could, seeing as normally, average was all she could muster.

"Can't say I don't disagree," Adria chuckles, shaking her head as she looked around the rather busy Library. Finally, and thankfully, the girl was back on track, the girls that seemed dead set on bullying her made sure to keep away from her after her little incident with them.

Nora was more than happy that Adria was alright, thankful, even, that the girl didn't have anything else to stress about, it was rather obvious that Adria was much happier, even though she was still coping with the loss of her mother, there was a clear change that the girl was in the right place for improvement.

"I uh, invited Lily, I hope that's alight," Adria whispered as she saw the librarian lurking, feeling rather guilty that she hadn't yet informed Nora of her best friend joining them, but Nora merely smiled.

"I like Lily, she's absolutely lovely, I just don't like her boyfriend," Nora chuckled, shaking her head as she done so, "twatty mctwat face could jump off the astronomy tower for all I care."

Adria couldn't help the snort that escaped as she clasped her hand over her mouth, holding in her giggles as best she could, "twatty mctwat face? Can I steal that for James?!"

"Oh please," Nora waved her off, "James is anything but a twatty mctwat face."

"Aww, look at you sticking up for your future boyfriend," Adria teased, earning a glare from the hufflepuff across from her.

"What was Caden like before he met Lily?" asked Adria, a sigh tumbling from her lips as she leaned her chin in her hand.

"Different," Nora sighs, "funner, with me, anyway, we had a tradition, and he failed to keep it when he started dating Lily, and in no way, was that her fault, it's just, I miss my best friend, the one that left months and months ago, I want him back, not the one that shouted at me, and broke a promise."

Adria sighed, her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at the look on Nora's face, and finally, call it what you will, but the realisation settled into Adria as she gasped, wide eyed, "you liked him didn't you?"

Nora's head snapped up to meet Adria's, her lips parted as she thought of an excuse, feeling her heartbeat rising, she can't think of what to say, so finally, seeing as she was getting all too suspicious, her shoulders slump, and a sigh tumbles from her lips as she nods her head, finally speaking, "yes, I loved him."

"You did?!" Adria asks, her eyes getting wider if that was even remotely and her hand clasped over her mouth, "oh merlin, Nora!"

"I know," she mumbles, shrugging, "but he's happy with Lily, and he's a twat, so there's nothing to do."

"Not to mention you fancy James," Adria points out, watching Nora's eyes widen as she shakes her head, evidently thinking back to her almost kiss with the boy that seemed like forever ago.

"I don't," she whispers shyly, her cheeks flushing red which made it very clearly obvious that she, actually did fancy James, "I just- I don't know, I mean he's helped me get over Caden, partly for the fact that I loved him, but the fact that he hurt me when we argued, James helped me then too, a lot, actually, and it was odd, and unexpected, but I couldn't imagine my life without him!"

"That's adorable," Adria gushes, her head falling onto the table as she speaks, "please just kiss already!"

"Oh shush," Nora giggles, rolling her eyes as she shakes her head.

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