❁Chapter 9❁

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Chapter 9

A sigh escaped Nora's lips as she walked into the class, feeling as though she was going to dread it for no reason other than the fact that she was terribly sleepy. Her eyes had drooped and slight bags had formed under her eyes as she took her seat that was only recently given to her. When Adria remembered that Nora was in the same herbology class as her, she was quick to ask the girl to come and sit with her and Finn Wilson, a kind offer that Nora wasn't going to give up.

So, with a grumble of some slightly uncolourful words about how bright the greenhouses where, Nora slipped into her seat as she watched the brightly haired hufflepuff, just like she was, walk through the door.

It was surprising to know how talkative Finn was, he chatted excitedly to her and Adria, a best friend of his, Nora knew. But the occasional times that Finn was alone in the hufflepuff common room when he wasn't with his best friend, now boyfriend, Milo Bell, he was awfully quiet, kept to himself, and had his head down, either in a book, or homework.

So, it was always a shock that the boy was one of the funniest she had ever met.

And was he quick to make sure that Nora knew that she was his friend.

It made her wonder, really, just how quickly both Adria and Finn had jumped to call her their friends, it warmed her heart, made her feel extremely happy that the two thought her nice enough to be friends with her, but what was odd, was that even she couldn't deny that she had talked to James more often than the hufflepuff and the Gryffindor, and yet they were still barely acquaintances.

"I have a feeling Adria won't be in class today," Finn spoke as he sat down, sitting his books on the table and gesturing to the seat beside him, the one that is usually occupied with none other than the girl whose name he spoke.

Nora frowned as she turned to him, picking up her things and sliding them along to the desk he was gesturing to, and soon was she right beside him, her full attention on him instead of the class that hadn't even started yet.

"It's October twenty sixth," Finn sighed, "today marks three months since her mother died."

"Oh, you're kidding," Nora whispered, a pained expression on her face as a sigh closely resembling Finn's tumbled from her lips, "that's not good, not at all."

"I know," Finn whispered, "I wanted to go see her, but then, i know she needs space. She's been coping lately, but just yesterday did I notice just how sad she was, sulking more than usual, clinging on to Sirius for support, I suppose, it's just sad, especially since she's one of my best friends, I don't know how to be there for her like I want to be."

Nora offered the boy a sad smile, patting his arm comfortingly as she nodded, "I get what you mean, Finn, but I'm positive that Adria knows that you're there for her, you're a great friend, really, Adria's lucky to have someone like you."

"Well you have me too, Nora," Finn grinned, "we're friends too."

"Oh, I know," Nora laughed softly, "we're so soppy, aren't we?"

"Definitely," he chuckled, "so tell me, dear Nora, I may only recently become your friend, but I am still able to be surprised with the unexpectedness of the friendship you have with James Potter."

"Oh please," Nora scoffed, waving him off, "James Potter is barley an acquaintance of mine."

"I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times," Finn teases, "but acquaintances don't spend maybe all of their time together."

"We don't spend all of our time together," Nora chuckled, "that's a bit of an exaggeration!"

"When was the last time you saw him, Nora?"

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