❁Chapter 49❁

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Chapter 49

"Run, James!" Nora exclaimed, her hand intertwined with his as they ran down the hall of the train, ignoring the protests from the ticket man behind them, frantically trying to keep up with the two teenagers slipping through people, hiding in compartments, laughing their heads off as they dodged the ticket man for a few moments, purposely allowing him to up with them until they sped off again, running close to each other, James' arm around Nora, a wide grin on her lips as she stumbled ever so slightly, losing her balance only for him to catch her.

The train they were on came to a stop at a place that definitely wasn't the destination of the two, but they didn't care all that much, with the large backpacks that contained their lives, they didn't mind much, they wondered how they were able to get past so many people with so much stuff with them, weighing them down, but the adrenaline had kicked in, and missing the ticket man swiftly, both teenagers slid past him, the shortest of the two, the girl with the cheeky smirk stopped, risking everything to throw the man a wink, and soon did she hurry off the train after James, only for the door to close in the man's face, watching with fury in his eyes as the two waved to him.

Nora couldn't help her laughs, her head thrown back, the bun atop of her head falling out of place and soon did her hair tumble down her back, framing her face, showing off the wide grin she wore perfectly, James was grinning at her, shaking his head with disbelief, chuckles tumbling from his lips as he stared at the girl clad in shorts far too short for the night weather soon to come and his t-shirt - that she had stolen - tucked into them, with Remus' denim jacket thrown over it, the memory of him realising that he had took it replayed in James mind, they were half way down the road leading away from the home when Remus came rushing after them, "protect it, Nora, you better," he warned, shoving something into the pockets before patting her head, pulling her into another hug.

"Can you believe it?!" she exclaimed, her arms flailing around as she danced around him, jumping happily, swaying to the music in her mind, "we beat him, we didn't get caught!"

"We're two crazy teenagers," James teased, quickly reaching out for her, his hands on her waist, his smile wide as he pulled her into him, "how do you suppose we get to London now?"

"Well, we could always wait for the next train, or if you really want to be a crazy teenager we can find some cargo train stop and train hop for a bit?" she asked, "saves us from running away from angry ticket men."

"You know, I did have enough money to pay him," James laughed softly, "real life muggle money!"

"Well, my dear boy," she giggled, patting his cheek, "it's all part of the experience!"

"Ah, yes," James smirked, intertwining their fingers together, reaching forward to press his lips to hers, quickly attempting to deepen the kiss but soon did she pull away, a wink thrown in his direction.

"Oh please, James Potter," she giggled, "no French kissing until France!"

He laughed, shaking his head as she pulled him along, "cargo stops are usually not too far from train stations," she mumbled, pulling on the strap of her bag, a smile on her lips.

"Well we need to make it to London by ten tonight," James chuckled, "or we're never getting to Paris."

"Oh, we're getting to Paris," Nora spoke, "even if it's the last thing we do, we're going to bloody Paris!"

"Eager to French kiss?" asked James, seeing the smile twitching at her lips, rolling her eyes as she pushed him.

"You're an arse," she scoffed, shaking her head, giggles finally tumbling from her lips when she guided his hand over her shoulder, clutching onto it, and soon wrapping her arm around him tightly, "but you're my arse."

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