❁Chapter 23❁

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Chapter 23

"So, what is the plan?" asked James as he hurried after Nora, finally slipping his arm around her waist to calm her steps and so that he was able to catch up with her. She turned to him with a small smile, leaning closer to him as she gripped her books tightly in her hand.

"We need to see if what I think is true," Nora spoke, "the thing is, Lily still likes Caden, even if he isn't good for her...even if he hurt her," Nora whispered, shaking her head, "so if that is the case then we need to get Lily away from Caden."

"Alright, okay," James nodded, "good plan, good plan, only thing, how do we do that?"

"Well firstly, I'm going to talk to Lily, she wanted to hang out with me, so I'm going to see what she is like when I mention Caden, if her eyes brighten, if she smiles, if she changes the subject, y'know, the points," Nora shrugged, "we need to protect her."

"Why are you so into this, love?" asked James, suddenly stopping her, and soon did he reach for her hands, "I agree with you, I do, I promise, but it's so sudden."

"I know," Nora nodded, "but it's only sudden because it was a realisation that was so sudden, I hadn't thought of it, selfishly, I hadn't thought of Lily, I was too caught up in Caden hurting me, I didn't even think of anyone else."

James sighed, moving to press his lips to her forehead, wrapping his arms around her tightly whilst she gripped onto his shirt, "if there is anything we need to do, Nora, we'll do it, but maybe Caden is just a twatty friend, if he's a good boyfriend to Lily, we shouldn't interfere."

"I know, that's why I want to ask Lily first," Nora mumbled, "I've read up on stuff like this, James, I know what abuse can be like, and I don't want to say that about Caden, someone who used to be my best friend, someone I used to trust with my life, but it's a possibility, and if I can help Lily, then I'm going to try."

James smiled softly, his hands on each side of her face as he pressed his lips to hers softly, something he simply couldn't help. Feeling her lips against his was like a drug, it was addictive, he craved it, but in another way, it wasn't a drug, it was something better, healthier, a perfect life line that he needed to survive.

"If you get hurt by him, if he finds out what you're doing and even tries to raise his voice at you so help me god, Nora, I'll kill him," James whispered, pulling her closer as her hands found his atop of her face, "I would spend forever in Azkaban, if it meant I got to protect you."

"Oh merlin, you'll be the death of me, James Potter," Nora laughed softly, pushing herself up and stealing a kiss, well, in actually fact, he was more than willing to give her a kiss.

"Have fun talking to Lily," he whispers, chuckling softly as he reluctantly lets her go, waving as she turns down the corridor on her way to the Library.

"You two are so cute, I'm not even joking," Adria exclaimed, popping out of nowhere and throwing her arm around Nora with a grin, "he bloody needed someone, kept interrupting me and Sirius, it was getting old."

Nora couldn't help herself as she let out a laugh, a grin on her lips as she turned to the girl, "so what is the lovely Adria doing today?"

"I am going to meet Finn and Milo, what about you, dear Nora?" asked Adria, her eyebrow raised as she moved her arm from around the girl and instead linked it with her own, throwing her a grin which Nora returned with her own.

"I am going to meet Lily, actually," Nora grinned, a feeling bubbling in her stomach that telling Adria what she thought would actually be a good idea, so with that thought in mind, suddenly, Nora pulled Adria into an empty classroom that lined the empty corridor.

The Breakup Plan •James Potter• |editing|Where stories live. Discover now